Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Theory Of Personality Carl Rogers - 846 Words
Psychology Assessment Carl Rogers was a humanistic psychologist who developed the theory of personality. This theory helps us to understand human behaviour by looking at a person’s self-image and their actions and therefore shows that everyone is different. Rogers believed that people can achieve self-actualization through unconditional positive regard, congruence and genuineness. (McLeod, 2014) Self-actualization is when a person can reach their full potential and this happens when their self-image and ideal-self match. According to Rogers, a person’s self-image is the way in which a person sees themselves and their ideal-self is what they would like to be. A person’s self-image is created through their qualities and looks and by what they think of themselves. A person’s ideal-self is created by what they aim to be like, what they want to do more and what they would like do less. Self-image and ideal-self are two parts which create a person’s self-concept. Rogers believ ed there is a third part, self-esteem, which is the value that a person believes they have. High self-esteem is created when the self-image and ideal-self are equal. Sigmund Freud was a psychologist who believed that everyone had that same three different parts to their personality. These are called the ID, the ego and the superego. The ID is known as the childish part of our personalities. It wants instant gratification. The Ego is the rational part of the personality and is able to make the ID seeShow MoreRelatedCarl Rogers Theory of Personality2519 Words  | 10 PagesCarl Rogers Introduction Carl Rogers is among the small group of enlightened, visionary individuals that stand as giants in the field of psychology. 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