Wednesday, August 26, 2020
9 things to do before you write that resume- The JobNetwork
9 activities before you compose that continue The JobNetwork Along these lines, you’ve secured that position posting that looks excessively great to be valid. You need to do your absolute best, yet you haven’t even gotten your resume all together. Sound recognizable? Since your resume is your potential employer’s initial introduction of you, continue composing is a genuine undertaking - one that can’t be begun without getting everything in order first.Here’s what you ought to do before you begin composing your resume:1. Reflection is keyBefore you even set pen to paper (or truly, nowadays, boot up your PC), you initially need to choose what it is you’re focusing on. This applies to both new position searchers and to the individuals who just wish to leave on another period of their vocation. Do you have an objective at the top of the priority list for what you need to do with your life or where you need your profession to go?If you need some assistance finding your vocation way, look at these approaches :ââ€" Search your spirit: Set some time aside to ask yourself significant inquiries about where you might want your vocation to go. Conceptualize what you appreciate doing, thoroughly consider your needs, or ask yourself inquiries like where you might want to see yourself in ten years. The ends you show up voluntarily be instrumental in helping you discover your way.ââ€" Take a test: If you’re intrigued to check whether there are any choices that you haven’t recently considered, there are a lot of free profession tests on the web, for example, Sokanu’s Career Test or the O*NET Interest Profiler, which is made by the U.S. Division of Labor. In these tests, you answer a lot of inquiries and check whether your inclinations or character are appropriate for a specific profession way. From that point onward, you can explore your outcomes and check whether it’s what you want.ââ€" Talk to an expert: If you feel that conversing with an impartial expert wo uld profit you, looking for direction from a vocation advisor might be a decent move. A profession counselor’s work is to direct you through your vocation decisions. The person may initially discover increasingly about you and your inclinations, and afterward give you proposals dependent on what the individual in question thinks about you and her aptitude on the compensations and abilities required for different fields. Despite the fact that this choice expenses between $75.00 to over $1,200.00 every hour-long meeting, a few schools offer free guiding to graduated class, so make certain to investigate your alternatives thoroughly.Once you settle on your way, it will be simpler to perceive what resources you have that will take you where you wish to go.2. Accumulate your informationIf you as of now have a fantasy work as a main priority, amazing! The following stage is making sense of what a business in that field is searching for in a perfect applicant and getting ready as ne eds be. Agreeing toâ this article by Workopolis, just 2% of employment searchers make it to the meeting, with a very much created application being what hoists you to the top 2% of contenders. In this way, having a resume that gives a great deal of focused data unmistakably and compactly is probably the most ideal approaches to establish the most grounded connection possible.To make a serious resume, make certain to go for a walk through a world of fond memories and assemble these significant goodies: ââ€" Relevant past work understanding, including explicit dates of business. ââ€" Pertinent accreditations, licenses and grants, respects, and exercises. ââ€" A rundown of your distributions. ââ€" Your GPA, yet possibly incorporate this if it’s over a 3.0.Once you get this data together, you can utilize it to construct the case that you are actually what your eventual manager is looking for.3. Prepared your portfolio, site, and additionally LinkedIn profileWhether i t’s a printed version folio or on the web, a portfolio is an assortment of your best work that your potential manager can examine to decide whether you have the right stuff they are searching for. It’s a significant device, giving indisputable proof that you’re the genuine article, and not overselling yourself. Contingent upon the business you’re planning to enter, especially if it’s expressions related, a portfolio may even be required.A individual site frequently fills a similar need as an online portfolio, with progressively true to life data as a â€Å"About†segment, and some extra highlights, for example, a blog and contact page. Having an individual site extraordinarily expands your perceivability, and is known to intrigue would-be bosses when the person Googles you. Along these lines, on the off chance that you have one, ensure that it’s exceptional before remembering it for your resume.Finally, in this period of online networ king, your LinkedIn profile is rapidly turning into an unquestionable requirement have on your resume. In this way, a significant advance to setting up your resume is improving your LinkedIn. In spite of the fact that the data on both your resume and LinkedIn profile may appear to be comparative, ensure that it’s not indistinguishable. Think about your LinkedIn as an extra chance to exhibit yourself, so don’t squander it!4. Conceptualize your skillsNow that you have your past achievements spread out before you, it’s time to break down the solid abilities that prompted your success.For first time work searchers :If this is your first-since forever continue, start by pondering your accomplishments from school or different undertakings. In the event that you’re an understudy, would you say you were on the official board for a club? In the event that you’re a housewife, did you run a pledge drive? Possibly you can even use your movements by underlining the abilities you picked up. Regardless of whether these are not â€Å"jobs†essentially, they require certain aptitudes to pull off, abilities that you can put on your resume. For work searchers who have experienced the crush before : If this isn’t your first employment, that implies you should have some work experience you can gather abilities from. In the event that your past activity is like the one you’re looking for, at that point this part ought to be genuinely simple since you definitely know the aptitudes important for success.However, if your next activity is in a completelyâ new field, recognizing and convincingly introducing transferable abilities between occupations will be your generally basic and troublesome assignment. By and by, doing so will make you an a lot more grounded up-and-comer. Don’t overlook delicate skills!When gathering your rundown of aptitudes, notwithstanding the more specialized hard abilities, for example, composing or working certain hardware, don’t neglect to work in delicate abilities that may not be so evident from the start, for example, relationship building abilities or initiative aptitudes. On the off chance that you can show that you are a balanced individual with the suitable abilities, it will persuade your future manager that this activity is definitely fit for your tastes and that you are the best individual for the job.5. Check in with your referencesThis tip involves kindness. Albeit a rundown of references isn't generally part of the resume, it’s an asset that ought to be accessible upon demand. In this way, before making your resume, it might likewise be a smart thought to contemplate who might make a proper reference.Before you list names and contact information of your references, in any case, you ought to make sure to ensure that the individuals you’re chipping in approve of your potential boss reaching them. Not exclusively are you indicating your referen ces that you regard them and don’t fall off qualified for their great audits, however requesting their authorization guarantees that your references aren’t overwhelmed when they are reached by your eventual manager. All things considered, you need your reference to be readied when the call comes!To ensure that you get the most ideal proposal, your reference should comprehend what you are applying for and you ought to help them to remember what you did while working under the person in question. On the off chance that conceivable, give a layout featuring what you would most like the reference to accentuate. Regardless of whether you are the best occupation applicant, if your potential business can detect that your references are found napping or don’t truly know what your identity is or what you did, that thinks about severely you. You put on a show of being impolite and sloppy, two negative marks against you that will kill any would-be employers.6. Figure out wh at organization works best for youResumes for the most part fall under one of three configurations: turn around sequential, useful, or a blend of both. Every one of these organizations has their own focal points and weaknesses. You ought to pick in like manner, contingent upon which configuration presents your character and expert foundation in the best light.Here’s a fast clarification of the contrasts between the three formats:ââ€" Reverse sequential : With this organization, since your work experience is recorded backward ordered request, would-be bosses can without much of a stretch perceive upward versatility with your jobs and obligations, making you a profoundly alluring competitor. Be that as it may, in spite of being the most well-known configuration, it puts candidates who have a work hole or who don’t have as much work involvement with a detriment, since your experience is front and center.ââ€" Functional: Since useful resumes lead with the abilities s egment and bypass your past employments, it’s useful for candidates who might want to hide a hole as far as they can tell, for example, a housewife coming back to the workforce. Since practical resumes aren’t as normal, employing supervisors here and there decipher it as a warning, so make certain to back up your resume with a convincing introductory letter and be prepared to handle inquiries concerning it in the interview.ââ€" Combination: Another organization that puts the aptitudes area first, this configuration is perfect for candidates who are going for an exceptionally specialized activity or one who may be trying to switch fields. All things considered, this configuration underscores your aptitudes, which might be transferrable, and distracts from your work understanding, which may not straightforwardly relate with the activity you’re applying for. A blend of both of the first ones, this arrangement could be th
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Characteristics of Blanch and Stanleys Relationships in The Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
Qualities of Blanch and Stanleys Relationships in The Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams is a great of American theater. Thomas P. Adler said that â€Å"it was the best play at any point composed for the American stage†(Kolin 1). Precisely this play decided the author’s subjects, musings and beliefs. Promoting We will compose a custom exposition test on Characteristics of Blanch and Stanley’s Relationships in â€Å"The Streetcar Named Desire†by Tennessee Williams explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Harold Klerman, it is the main play that portrays the character, society and delineates practically the truth of that time. The setting of the play occurred in contemporary occasions. It is an account of a decrease of a Southern woman Blanche DuBois. In this play, Williams reveal a wide scope of topics. Among them are the topics of abusive behavior at home, connections of people, the dream and its showdown with the real world. One of the most significant subjects of the play pivots the connections of the fundamental characters, Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski. These are two characters that are placed in restriction. The peak of their restriction is the Stanley’s assault of Blanche. On one hand, this scene portrays a remorseless disposition and corrupt conduct, â€Å"Stanley isn't right and Blanche is correct, the moralists agree†(Fleche 500). Then again, Blanche’s assault was unavoidable (Fleche 500). What's more, through the portrayal of Blanche and Stanley’s relationship, I will contend that Blanche was assaulted. Blanche DuBois comes to New Orleans to her sister Stella wedded to inconsiderate and practical man Stanley Kowalski. Blanche and Stanley didn't care for one another from the absolute first second they met one another. Blanche saw Stanley beat his better half and acted as a creature, â€Å"the essential case of physical maltreatment against Stella happens in Scene Three, when tanked and irate, Stanley f irst hurls the radio out the window and afterward charges after his pregnant spouse and strikes her†(Koprince 46). Stanley is appeared as a brutish individual without moral characteristics. In any case, Blanche is likewise not â€Å"an angel†. Her past life isn't great and all the habits and delicacy is only a cover to shroud her â€Å"dark†past and liquor abuse. The main individual who speculates her and needs to demonstrate her genuine face to everyone, â€Å"and yet it appears to be normal to peruse A Streetcar Named Desire as a figurative excursion toward Blanches prophetically catastrophic pulverization on account of her killer, Stanley†(Fleche 504).Advertising Looking for article on american writing? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As it has just been referenced, these two characters are placed in restriction, anyway we can't state this is a resistance of good and insidiousness. In this mann er, Blanche shows up as a youthful, excellent, and troubled lady who endure the self destruction of her better half and needs to start from the very beginning once more. Just because, we see her rich and delicate. The early introduction is completely positive. She is so light and savvy, she knows French and music. Be that as it may, we don't think a lot about her past and it is likewise dubiously. We surmise that she lies and Stanley causes us get it. The creator is thoughtful to his courageous woman. He doesn't romanticize her, despite what might be expected, he is very target: he shows her live to bourbon and relations with men after her husband’s passing. â€Å"Blanche who has never verbally expressed a legit word in her life is permitted, in fact supported, to introduce her life to the crowd as a professional decision†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Toles 119). The â€Å"impurity†of Blanche’s past recommends the last of the play and it is a very sensible fulfillment of the story. Reality can't be cover up and everyone should pay for his/her activities. Blanche intended to wed Mitchell, however at some point or another, he would get some answers concerning her â€Å"sins†, â€Å"she can't get away from the status of casualty, on numerous fronts, nor deflect the plans which have prompted her committal†(Toles 117). She was unable to anticipate that other demeanor should herself, particularly in that social layer with it standards and relations among people. In this manner, the character of Blanche can be deciphered as positive and negative simultaneously, from one viewpoint â€Å"she has been cherished as a consecrated agent of the Old South, a mainstream holy person. On the other, adversely, she has been marked a nymphomaniac, a liar, an irresistible wellspring of dangerous ladylike desire†(Kolin 3). With this â€Å"image†of a liar and nymphomaniac Stanley battled. Stanley shows up as an individual with creature nature. H e drinks bear constantly, â€Å"copulates, mess around, crushes lights, paws through Blanche’s closet, tosses plates on the floor, even submits rape†(Cardullo 29). Stanley is an agent of a dull reality. He encapsulates the â€Å"prototypical batterer†. As indicated by Susan Koprince, he has all indications of such individual. â€Å"He is hypermasculine, has faith in mail’s predominance and has double personality†(50). Those attributes make him loathe Blanche. Publicizing We will compose a custom article test on Characteristics of Blanch and Stanley’s Relationships in â€Å"The Streetcar Named Desire†by Tennessee Williams explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More First of all, he abhors her refined past and he is offended by her endeavors to trick him demonstrating that she is superior to he and his companions. This is conflicting to his picture of a lady. It makes him search for â€Å"dark spots†from quite a wh ile ago and he discovers them. Stanley does everything to destroy life of this lady. It is by all accounts remorseless and basely. Nonetheless, he is the main individual who upheld reality and â€Å"justice†and reality. Stanley is a dull adaptation of the sales rep, selling the hopeful Blanche a cruel reality on the probable grounds that it is by one way or another bravo and ready to utilize power, if important, to make the sale.†(Cardullo 30). The consequence of the showdown of Stanley and Blanch was the assault. In any case, it can't be considered as a pitiless infringement. Neither the specific circumstance, nor the scene shows it. In her article, Anna Fleche says, â€Å"she is the blundering lady who gets what she requests (her sensible precursors are clear)†(507). This is the manner in which other men treated her, this is the thing that she expected, this is the means by which a coherent progression of things ought to resemble. All the circumstance and Bl anche herself â€Å"suggests†assault to Stanley. On the off chance that other men did it, why he can't? Additionally, she doesn't avoid however sinks on her knees and remains â€Å"inert†, â€Å"She isn't just quiet yet folded, stationary, while he assumes control over control and agency†(Fleche 508 ). Therefore, the location of the assault denies any feelings, it is a contention that emerges between two characters. Also. With this activity Stanley returned Blanche to the real world. As George Toles makes reference to, â€Å"Stanleys calmly fierce motion reviews the assault and, less perniciously, rehashes the pragmatists inalterable exercise: the individuals who live totally in dreams will perish†(130). In this manner, Blanche and Stanley are two characters put in restriction. Neither of them is great. Blanche lives with her fantasy and she continually deceives conceal a brutal reality and her genuine past. Stanley is a delegate of this savage reality which opens Blanche’s eyes through the vicious activity. Be that as it may, both, with setting, principle characters’ qualities of character and activities, particularly in the location of an assault, the creator coverts the significance of the assault. Presently, it isn't only the demonstration of viciousness, yet the contention that shows who will be who in the play.Advertising Searching for exposition on american writing? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Cardullo, Robert James. â€Å"Selling in American Drama.†Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation. (2007): 29-33. Fleche, Anne. â€Å"The Space of Madness and Desire: Tennessee Williams and Streetcar.†Modern Drama. Vol. 38. Issue 4. (1995): 498-509. Kolin, Phillip. Williams. A trolley named Desire. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Print. Koprince, Susan. â€Å"Domestic savagery in A Streetcar Named Desire.†Southern Studies. Vol 7. Issue 2. (1996): 43-55. Toles, George. â€Å"Blanche Dubois and the benevolence of endings†. Raritan. Vol 14. Issue 4. (1995): 115-144.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Tips for Better Tenant Management
Tips for Better Tenant Management If you plan to make money in real estate by owning and renting commercial and/or residential property, then it is important to understand and abide by best practices for tenant management. Good tenants are the lifeblood of profitable real estate investments, while bad tenants can not only give you headaches, they can torpedo your financial goals. It is important to understand how to find good tenants and manage your relationships with them to ensure the success of your investment. © | Tom PenparkIn this article, we will explore, 1) commercial tenant management, 2) residential tenant management, 3) screening of commercial and residential tenants, 4) commercial and residential tenant rights, 5) obtaining real estate insurance for commercial and residential real estate properties, 6) performing regular maintenance on commercial and residential property, and 7) property management of commercial and residential property.COMMERCIAL TENANT MANAGEMENTAccording to a research study by the commercial real estate firm Jones Lang LaSalle, it can take up to two years to make up for the income lost by the loss of a tenant. And a 2011 study by the real estate market research firm Kingsley Associates notes that the chance of lease renewal by a satisfied tenant is triple the chance of lease renewal by dissatisfied tenants. To ensure that your commercial real estate tenants are satisfied with their residence in your property, it is important to develop a writte n strategic plan for tenant management. The plan should include an assessment of, and a plan to meet, their real estate needs. You should develop a regular communications program with a single point of contact, as well as an assessment program with appropriate metrics that measure the level of tenant satisfaction.RESIDENTIAL TENANT MANAGEMENTAs with commercial real estate tenant management, a satisfied tenant is more likely to renew their lease; and communication is key to satisfied tenants. Particularly if you plan to manage a residential property yourself, you should meet your tenants and establish a point of contact. Take the time to learn their needs and do what is reasonable to ensure that those needs are met.One key need of both commercial and residential tenants is security, but security takes on an added, personal dimension for residential tenants. Whereas a commercial tenant’s insurance might cover the cost of lost equipment in the case of a break-in, no insurance can cov er lost sentimental items, or sense of safety, in the case of a residential break-in. A proper alarm system, light landscaping, and lighting, can deter criminal activity.For both commercial and residential tenant management, tenant screening, constructing proper lease agreements, and maintenance are three of the biggest priorities.SCREENING OF TENANTSFailure to find reputable tenants, who can and will abide by all the terms set forth in the lease can cost you greatly in time and money. A considerable amount of due diligence is required. Whether you are dealing with commercial or residential tenants, you should not only check their credit history and references, and verify their income, you should interview them as well. Listen to your gut, in addition to poring through their background.Screening of commercial tenantsMany firms have formed corporate entities for tax or other purposes. It is critical to find out who the people are behind the entity and assess them as well as the firm. You can usually find this by checking with the Secretary of State in the state in which the firm is incorporated.You should also request â€" and obtain â€" a personal guaranty from the principal. This will allow you to lay claim to the assets of the principal if the firm happens to go bankrupt. Without such a guarantee, a tenant’s bankruptcy may net you nothing to cover the loss of income and/or rent in arrears.You should ensure that your tenants are able to pay and will abide by the terms of the lease, not just through income statements and references. You can require a non-standard security deposit. The standard is one month, but requiring a two or three month deposit, may indicate to you that the tenant has a healthy cash flow, and indicate to the tenant that they should adhere to the lease terms strictly to ensure the return of their money. Those who balk may very well have been problem tenants.Finally, review the prospective tenant’s business plan, especially if they are a new business. If it does not make sense to you, this may indicate that they will not have the funds to pay you.Screening of residential tenantsScreening residential tenants is just as important as screening commercial tenants. Obtain their credit reports from the three credit reporting agencies, rather than rely on those they bring you. Get proof of employment, and ask for a bank statement, so that you can ensure that they have either the cash flow and/or the assets to pay the rent on time. Run a criminal background check, and check references thoroughly. Ask for more than one landlord reference, as the current landlord may lie and give a prospective tenant a good reference in order to get him/her out of their property. As with a commercial tenant, you can ask for a non-standard security deposit, and/or non-standard lease terms, which may indicate their willingness and ability to meet the lease terms.It is critical to understand and adhere to the Federal Fair Housing Laws, which sa y that you cannot discriminate against prospective tenants based on race, origin, religion, sex, familial status or disability. There may also be local Fair Housing Rules you have to follow; for example, certain states also prohibit discrimination based on certain criminal offenses.How To Screen Tenants Landlord Tips For Beginners TENANT RIGHTSBe very clear on the rights of your tenants before drafting a lease, and make sure to adhere to them. Landlord-tenant disputes can be very expensive and time-consuming. The best way to avoid them, in addition to selecting good tenants, is to be very clear on what you can and cannot, and crafting a lease agreement that falls squarely within those parameters. Make sure your lease terms are clear and specific. Also make sure that after they vacate the premise that you return their security deposit (to which both commercial and residential tenants are entitled if they have adhered to their lease terms.Rights of commercial tenantsIn general, the r ights of tenants are inscribed in the lease. Courts tend to decide cases based on adherence to lease terms even if the terms seem to violate aspects of basic fairness. Residential tenants have far more protections than commercial tenants do under the law. For example, there are protections for residential tenants in instances of foreclosure, lack of landlord maintenance, and entry to the property by the landlord.To facilitate a positive landlord-tenant relationship, spell out lease terms clearly. Regarding entry to the property by the landlord, define what constitutes “adequate notice†clearly in your lease. This is especially important for tenants whose businesses require some level of confidentiality. Make sure that you ensure more than adequate notice in cases of invasive maintenance that may affect your tenant’s business operations.Rights of residential tenantsYour entry into your tenant’s space is also in issue in residential landlord tenant relationships. Spelling out what constitutes adequate notice in the lease is wise, and may help you avoid a violation of local or state law, as well as a lawsuit.Most states require that you ensure that the residential space meets basic habitability requirements as fully defined by your local housing authority. These may include heating, waterproofed structural elements, water, electricity, absence of pests and other unsanitary conditions, and adherence to electrical codes. These are basic requirements, but you should also ensure the implementation of related measures, like the installation of smoke detectors and properly functioning locks, to ensure tenant satisfaction.Understand that if you do not meet these basic requirements, the tenant may, depending on the city or state in which your property is located, withhold part or all of the rent, or make the repairs themselves and charge the expense against the rent they owe you.Insights In Law: Landlord and Tenants legal Rights REAL ESTATE INSURANCETo protect yo ur assets, insurance is key. Because you have no direct control over what your tenants do on your property, you cannot stop them from damaging it deliberately or inadvertently. Further, the impact of externalities such as inclement weather on your property, cannot be predicted. Many a homeowner and real estate investor has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars for want of comprehensive insurance policies.You should also review all policies at least once a year to make sure that they are up-to-date and as inclusive as possible. Get a financial advisor to review them as well (not a broker who may receive a commission by upselling you policies you do not need).Obtaining real estate insurance for commercial propertiesTo obtain building insurance, you should get a certifier appraiser’s valuation of your property, and take inventory of the property inside the building, such as appliances and flooring, that would need to be replaced in case of loss. Speak with an insurance company abou t the costs of property insurance, flood, and liability insurance, as well as umbrella insurance, which will cover what falls outside of your liability limits. Also, look into “loss of use†policies that cover the rental fees for a new building while your existing property is repaired in case of a disaster.Review how comprehensive the insurance policy is. Will it cover you in the case of a once-in-a-lifetime weather event? Or do you have to pay extra for that? Remember that hindsight is 20/20, and opt for the more comprehensive policy, where financially feasible.Obtaining real estate insurance for residential propertiesAs with commercial property, get a certified appraisal of your property and take inventory. Understand that your credit will be a factor in your premiums, so take steps to clean up any items on your credit record before approaching an insurance company.Purchase Landlord Contents Insurance, which will cover damage to the inside of your property and its contents. Ta ke a look at Rent Guarantee insurance that ensures that you receive your rent even if your tenant does not pay it. This type of insurance usually can be purchased when the insurance company does the tenant screening. Also, buy Natural Disaster Insurance, and Employer’s Liability Insurance, the latter if you employ anyone to handle maintenance or do work on your property. This covers you in case of any claims from these workers against you.Rental Properties Insurance Investor Guide to Rental Property Insurance PERFORMING REGULAR MAINTENANCEAndrew Zezas, President and CEO of N.J.-based Real Estate Strategies Corporation, writes on his blog, Corporate Advisor, that “landlords entitled to be called great, are those who […] maintain the heck out of their properties.†Regular maintenance is a must, not only to ensure you suffer no loss of property value, but because disputes over what a tenant believes is contractually stipulated maintenance can cost you considerable time, rental income, and legal fees. Further, maintenance issues drive down customer satisfaction, and therefore, the chance of a successful lease renewal.Commercial property maintenanceWith commercial real estate leases, you can require that the tenant is responsible for the maintenance, as long as you spell it out clearly. You also must spell out what the tenant, and/or their contractors, can and cannot change on the property. If you are to assume responsibility for the repairs and maintenance, you can pass on the estimated costs to the tenant in rental fees and/or common area maintenance (CAM) fees.Residential property maintenanceResidential property maintenance is usually the province of the landlord. By employing a regular program of maintenance, you can avoid extensive costs down the road, as well as tenant disputes. Such a program should include monthly exterminations; post-storm assessment of leaks and water damage; regular assessments of grout and caulking, tests of smoke and carbon mo noxide detectors, and flushing of water heaters.PROPERTY MANAGEMENTRegardless of your reason, if you choose to be a landlord, there are resources available to you, including those provided by local real estate boards, real estate networking groups, and property management software. If you are purchasing commercial property â€" especially of a type with which you are either somewhat or completely unfamiliar, and/or if you are looking to manage a large portfolio of properties, you are likely better off employing the services of a property manager or property management firm.Being a landlord of a commercial propertyCommercial real estate tenants, while holding their tenants to the lease terms, should try to do what they can to facilitate the tenant’s success. That may include speeding up a planned renovation, or co-marketing their business. After all, a successful commercial tenant is one who can pay the rent, and may well renew the lease.Being a landlord of a residential propertyIn general, landlords should make sure they strictly hold tenants accountable for following the terms of the lease, as well as follow the expectations for themselves defined therein. These include ensuring a safe, secure and sanitary premise, communicating any changes to the property or proposed changes to the lease terms in a clear and timely manner, and providing proper maintenance.Employing a property manager/management firm for a commercial propertyThe screening of a commercial property manager/firm can be as important as screening your tenants. They will be the first point of contact with your tenants and therefore be key to your ensuring tenant satisfaction. You should ask a prospective property manager/firm how they can help you keep costs down and rent competitive; whether they are licensed; what their experience is with the market in which your property is located is; what their legal experience/capacity is; what their fees are; and what the contact information of their refere nces is. Once selected, work out a plan jointly with the manager/firm, complete with benchmarks for assessing their success, and regularly oversee their progress towards your goals.Employing a property manager/management firm for a residential propertyA residential property manager/firm should be selected with many of the same criteria as a commercial property manager/firm. Look for local, licensed managers/firms with experience in planning, dealing with legal matters and problem tenants, and with good references. Once again, oversight is essential, as is a plan for ensuring tenant satisfaction and profitability.Commercial tenant management softwareThe number of elements needed to manage a single real estate property successfully multiplied by your properties and the number of your tenants in those properties, can yield a large number of variables. To manage all of these moving parts, you should consider using commercially available real estate management software. A recent review g ave LandlordMAX top honors for professional property management, citing a robust suite of accounting and document management features.Residential tenant management softwareBusiness News Daily gave Quicken Rental Property Manager kudos for those smaller property owners/managers who may not be incorporated. LandLordMAX also provides robust residential property management solutions.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Theory Of Personality Carl Rogers - 846 Words
Psychology Assessment Carl Rogers was a humanistic psychologist who developed the theory of personality. This theory helps us to understand human behaviour by looking at a person’s self-image and their actions and therefore shows that everyone is different. Rogers believed that people can achieve self-actualization through unconditional positive regard, congruence and genuineness. (McLeod, 2014) Self-actualization is when a person can reach their full potential and this happens when their self-image and ideal-self match. According to Rogers, a person’s self-image is the way in which a person sees themselves and their ideal-self is what they would like to be. A person’s self-image is created through their qualities and looks and by what they think of themselves. A person’s ideal-self is created by what they aim to be like, what they want to do more and what they would like do less. Self-image and ideal-self are two parts which create a person’s self-concept. Rogers believ ed there is a third part, self-esteem, which is the value that a person believes they have. High self-esteem is created when the self-image and ideal-self are equal. Sigmund Freud was a psychologist who believed that everyone had that same three different parts to their personality. These are called the ID, the ego and the superego. The ID is known as the childish part of our personalities. It wants instant gratification. The Ego is the rational part of the personality and is able to make the ID seeShow MoreRelatedCarl Rogers Theory of Personality2519 Words  | 10 PagesCarl Rogers Introduction Carl Rogers is among the small group of enlightened, visionary individuals that stand as giants in the field of psychology. Due to the theories that Rogers developed not only in psychology but in theories of education, he is considered, as Constance Holden writes, †¦one of the grand old men of American psychology and a leading figure in the postwar development of humanistic psychology (Holden, 1997, p. 31). This paper reviews his theory of personality, his approach toRead MorePersonality Theory Bandura Carl Rogers3322 Words  | 14 PagesRunning head: Albert Bandura Carl Rogers Compare and Contrast Social Cognitive and Humanistic Theories of Personality to the case study entitled Myesha Course: PSCY3017 Personality Theory II Personality is an intriguing component in psychology vital for the perception of human beings. Understanding and defining personality has proven to be a difficult task. It is so complex, in fact, that no single theory can adequately define it. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
I Am Studying Suicide Rates - 1290 Words
I am studying suicide rates because I want to find out how hostile communication leads to depression and low self-esteem, in order to help my reader understand how words can cause psychological suffering. I chose this subject because of its controversial nature and its relevance to my life. I, as well as several friends of mine, have been affected by this issue in our lives, and its impact tends to linger. I approached this topic by addressing the relationship between words and their effects; I wondered how something as simple as a word or phrase can lead to tragedy. How the image reflects Barthes’ elements of Studiumâ€â€the context and compositionâ€â€and Punctumâ€â€the emotional resonanceâ€â€will become self-evident in the following analysis of the image’s composition (Barthes 27). (Source: ) A significant change I made in the concept of this image was how I categorized suicide victims. My original idea was to focus on teen suicide because it is a prominent issue in the news and some of my friends encountered the issue when they were younger. However, having recently turned twenty, I realized that the lines we draw between age groups are meaningless in this context; suicide affects all age groups. This particular selection of the wall of remembrance was chosen because it contains victims of different races, ages, etc. Currently, there are 1, 741 photos posted on the wall, 2 more than what I recorded when writing my DSoA (â€Å"Faces of Suicide†). The historical significance of theShow MoreRelatedHave You Ever Noticed That You Have Never Seen An Exact1506 Words  | 7 Pagesadvancement of technology, you can use your smart phone and put it the front facing camera to look at yourself. 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This is because most suicide cases are committed by impulsive actions, plus the fact that most college students are constantly under the pressure of their classes, friends, family, and love relationships. All this pressure consumes the self-esteem of some students, which lead them into impulsively committing suicide, thus having a gun does not more than to make it easier for the student to commit suicide. In addition, Thomson ´s investigationRead MorePostpartum Depression Essay1223 Words  | 5 Pagesbe. We dont know what it is really like to be in their shoes and face the daily challenges ahead of them. They may look strong on the outside and put on a brave front for everyone to see, but how are they actually feeling on the inside? How many suicide attempts have the had since giving birth? Have the thought nasty and harmful thing toward the child? We don’t really know till we ask and actually get to the bottom of it. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Lost Squatron Short Story Free Essays
On Tuesday morning, December 5, 2006, Lieutenant Jimmy McGrath, a fresh faced 22 year old, Naval academy graduate, maneuvered his fighter jet across the tarmac at the US Naval Air Station Florida to the designated runway. Behind him, awaiting their tower clearance orders were the four other members of Jimmy’s squadron. The men, boys really, some with peach fuzz beards, were training for assignment in Dubai, where they could fly sorties over Afghanistan and Iraq. We will write a custom essay sample on The Lost Squatron Short Story or any similar topic only for you Order Now All five pilots had been training here in Florida for several weeks, their high stress air combat training punctuated by wild Florida nights of heavy drinking and non-stop womanizing. The locals were used to it, having hosted these flyboys since Lauderdale nearly burst at the seams with newly drafted airmen, training in T-6s, and SNJ fighter trainers during World War 2. McGrath readied his jet at the flight line and after a final instrument check, increased throttle towards rotation speed, rumbling down the runway and easing back on the stick until the two ton plane defied gravity and began a steady ascent into the clouds hanging over the azure blue ocean. McGrath banked the plane right and felt momentary g-force pressure as he rolled away from the take off flight path to allow the next jet to leave the Earth.†Hee-haw†shrieked through Jimmy’s mic, as his wingman, Bobby-Joe Nicholson followed McGrath into the heavens. Nicholson grew up in tobacco rich North Carolina back country, and his accent and redneck colloquialisms made training a lot easier for everybody. Nicholson was followed by Andy Grayson, from Wichita, then Angel Fernandez of the Bronx, and finally Ron Fontaine, a graduate of the Donnelly Housing Projects in Detroit. Fontaine was voted by his peers the last person anyone wanted to meet in a back alley for a fight. He was also the most accomplished â€Å"stick man†among them. Despite his â€Å"officer and gentleman status, Fontaine’s 6 foot 2 inch muscular frame and tattooed biceps gave off a menacing appearance respected and feared by the other young pilots. The five jets screamed through the blue sky, each plane’s engine creating enormous jet trails flowing behind, until they maneuvered into formation. The planes floated in the air next to each other as if dangling on elastic strings, their high-powered engines, flying in unison, making it appear as if they were not even moving. â€Å"OK guys,†McGrath bellowed,†lets head south over the ocean and then take a bearing of 26 degrees, 3 minutes north, then 80 degrees, 7 minutes west toward Hen and Chickens Shoals.†Although he did not mention it, the day’s flight path would eventually take them into them into heart of the Devils Triangle. The Devils Triangle, or Bermuda Triangle as it was sometimes called, was a triangular patch of ocean in the Atlantic stretching from the Florida Keys south towards the Bermuda Islands. As every school kid knows, the Triangle’s legend of mystery encompasses numerous claims of disappearing ships and aircraft. None of the men gave any serious thought to the Triangle legend, not many people did anymore since the quasi-pulp fiction exposes published in the 1970s tried to give pseudo-scientific credence to alleged supernatural happenings in that part of the Atlantic Ocean. However, they all knew about it. â€Å"Where to skip,?†crackled over the airwaves from Ron Fontaine’s cockpit. â€Å"We’re headed to the old junked freighter for some bombing and strafing practice,†responded Lieutenant McGrath. â€Å"And Ron,†said the flight leader, â€Å"this time wait for my signal before you starting locking in on the target.†â€Å"Shiiiit,†Fontaine screeched into his headset, and the other pilots chuckled at the exchange between the two men. â€Å"Hey Lieutenant, this time can we go in youngest pilot first,?†said Fernandez. â€Å"What is it with you guys from New Yawk,†drawled Nicholson, â€Å"y’all think you’re born to tell the rest of us what to do.†â€Å"Hey, Tobacco boy,†I saw a guy like you once in the Bronx Zoo, behind bars,†Fernandex replied with a laugh. â€Å"Aw can it, you two,†shouted McGrath, â€Å"and tighten up the formation. Fernandez and Grayson pick it up back there.†â€Å"Aye, aye sir,†came the reply, in unison. The old freighter had been towed to this classified location in 1945, near the war’s end, and for 60 years had, along with several other decommissioned vessels, been used to train young hot-shot pilots in the art of air war. â€Å"All right, in about 60 second we’ll come up on the shoals bomb site, Nicholson and Fontaine, break right and take the first pass. Remember, nose guns first, then use one Sidewinder missile each the second time around,†McGrath ordered. The silver jets streaked through the cloud-filled blue sky like sharp knives slicing through warm biscuits. The two pilots took the lead and banked towards the abandoned and anchored old ship and locked onto the target with their computerized weapons guidance system. With today’s technology they could hit a small object from a distance of a mile or more, but their state side training still required close target approaches. The planes would come within 500 yards of the target on the first pass. The three other pilots kept a distance to watch the show and wait their turn, as determined by their flight leader, Lieutenant McGrath. Nicholson and Fontaine took turns firing their 30 Millimeter, seven barrel nose guns at the old tub, blasting holes in the rusting hull at apace of 3900 rounds a minute, which exploded with a fury of sparks, smoke and flying debris as they roared past â€Å"Nice work guys,†McGrath said. â€Å"Commander Taylor, my fuel is low, and my instruments are still acting up, maybe we should be heading West†crackled across his headphones in response. â€Å"Come back,†McGrath replied. Is that you Fernandez. Stop the bullshit, will ya.†â€Å"Not me, Lieutenant,†Fernandez replied, â€Å"Don’t expect me to give you a promotion,†he laughed. â€Å"Cut it out,†McGrath said, as he scanned the skies around him, â€Å"are one of you guys having instrument problems?†â€Å"Everyone check in,†he commanded. â€Å"Nicholson here, I’m fine Lieutenant.†â€Å"This is Fontaine, Jimmy, no problems with my bird.†â€Å"This is Grayson, sir, it wasn’t me.†â€Å"Well who the hell is playing around.†McGrath shouted. â€Å"I can’t see any land, sir†came the voice again. This time someone else responded. â€Å"Boys, this is Taylor, don’t worry, we left the Georgia swamp area 30 miles back, and we should be coming up on the Keys shortly,†â€Å"Who’s on this frequency, identify yourselves, †Lt. McGrath said into his helmet mic. He scanned his instrument radar panel and again looked outside his cockpit canopy but did not see any other planes in the bright, clear, mid-day sky. Without answering McGrath, the unknown chatter continued. â€Å"Hey Brownie, if we ever find our way back, I’m gonna propose to that nurse I met last week at the USO Holiday dance.†â€Å"Yeah, yeah sure, the one whose feet you kept stepping on during the Glen Miller piece?†â€Å"Shiiit, Glenn Miller, what the fuck is that all about,†Fontaine said. â€Å"Hey, one of you guys playing some sort of trick on our boy Jimmy,†Fernandez laughed. â€Å"Yeah, one of those old radio shows, or some shit like that,†Fontaine replied. â€Å"I don’t know about you but it’s freaking me out,†said Grayson. â€Å"Anyway, whoever it is mentioned Lauderdale, so it’s probably some old Navy guys out for a joyride. I see those guys come out on Sunday’s sometimes and fly around in those old radial engine trainers.†â€Å"Yeah, but it ain’t Sunday, and what they all doin’ on our radio frequency,†drawled Nicholson. â€Å"All right, all right, forget about it. It’s probably just somebody playing around,†bellowed McGrath, â€Å"lets get ready for the second run. One missile this time.†Fontaine and Grayson broke away from the formation again and headed toward the target This time they programmed their guidance system to fire one AIM-9 Sidewinder missile each at a distance of a half mile. Within seconds each jet shimmied slightly as their missiles dislodged from under their wings and moved off in an arc of white smoke toward the old half-sunken freighter. The missile warheads were loaded with only small amounts of explosives so that they would create damage but not completely obliterate the boat, leaving it sufficiently intact for further training runs. The two missiles struck, on forward one aft, almost simultaneously, and a column of smoke, debris, and sea water rose high into the air. As the mix fell back again, the pilots who were all observing the action noticed small black objects off in the distance, beyond the target area, moving slowly toward them. â€Å"What the fuck is that,†sad Fernandez into his mic. Grayson and Fontaine, who had pulled up and over the target, getting a birds-eye view of the damage they caused, rolled across the sky, unknowingly hurtling their jets directly in the path of the shadowy, black objects. Some three miles away, the rest of the squadron watched as Fontaine and Grayson blew past the objects and then banked and ascended up and to the left. As they had flown by, in the seconds they were adjacent to the objects, both pilots had seen something that had startled them. Grayson and Fontaine had peered into the cockpits of a squadron of World War 2 naval fighters, â€Å"Avengers†, each operated by a two or three man crew, a pilot facing forward, sometimes with a co-pilot, and a gunner operating a ball turret weapon aft. â€Å"Shiiit,†Fontaine yelled into his helmet mic, â€Å"did you see that Grayson.†â€Å"What the hell are those old warbirds doing way out here, the air museum operates outta Pensacola,†Grayson replied. â€Å"Hell if I know,†Fontaine said, â€Å"but they were sure as shittin surprised by us.†â€Å"Damn lucky we didn’t clip their wings.†â€Å"Hey skip,†Fontaine said, calling out to Lieutenant McGrath, †you won’t believe what’s headed your way.†â€Å"I see ’em, Fontaine, we’re gonna give those old buckets some room so we don’t blow their tails off with our engines,†McGrath replied. The remaining jets elevated their flight path to avoid the oncoming relics of the past, shooting with Mach speed into the lower stratosphere. â€Å"Commander, did you see that?,†said one of the warbird pilots. â€Å"I sure did, Tex,†replied Taylor, I don’t know what the hell it was but I saw a red, white and blue star on it’s side so it must be ours.†â€Å"Hell yes,†Tex’s gunner cried, â€Å"we must be close to the Shoals now. I see the target ship they towed out this way a few weeks ago.†â€Å"I bet that was some experimental jet the Nazis were using, I saw a few being worked on at the base. Just come over from Germany last week for testing,†said one of the Avenger pilots. OK, men, settle down†Commander Taylor ordered, â€Å"set a course for the direction of the target vessels and let’s get these tired birds home.†â€Å"Hey, my instruments are working again, Commander,†said one of the pilots. â€Å"Mine too, Chuck,†cried another. â€Å"Looks like we’ll make it back after all,†the Avenger flight leader said, â€Å"and not a moment too soon with these near empty gas gauges. Keep a tight formation as we head in boys. Follow my lead. Last one on the deck has to kiss Charlie McCarthy’s bald head.†The jet pilots listened, without a word, to the entire conversation going on below them. Fontaine and Grayson had rejoined the group and they were all now headed due East at 400 miles an hour at an elevation of 25,000 feet. Finally, Fernandez spoke up. â€Å"You catch that, Lieutenant.†â€Å"†Probably some re-enactors,†Lt. McGrath replied, although his voice had lost its usual firm, confident tone. â€Å"What the hell they doin’ out here, Jimmy,†said Nicholson, â€Å"don’t make no sense at all.†McGrath had to agree. This area was restricted to Naval air traffic. He thought he better contact the base and let them know what was going on. â€Å"Flight leader Bravo calling Lauderdale, come in Lauderdale.†The air was quiet. â€Å"Flight leader Bravo calling Lauderdale, come in Lauderdale†Nothing. â€Å"Hey Jimmy,†Fontaine said, â€Å"my computer just went down.†â€Å"Hey me too,†Nicholson shouted. The five jets flew in tight formation through the clouds as chaos erupted in their cockpits. â€Å"Flight leader Chuck Taylor calling Lauderdale, come in Lauderdale.†â€Å"This is Lauderdale, where the heck you guys been?†came the reply. The Base Commander’s been going crazy. They even called the War Department.†â€Å"You guys can tell the patrols to come back, we’re a little late but we’re home, †replied Commander Taylor. On the stormy evening of December 5, 1945, five TBM Avengers, their heavy radial engines roaring across the Florida sky, approached US Naval Air Station in tight formation. One by one the gleaming blue fighter planes lowered their flaps, cut off their throttles and eased their tired metal frames onto the tarmac. As they rolled off the runway, they passed rows of B-17 bombers, fresh from the battle over Europe, being serviced and refit for duty in the Pacific against the Japanese. Worried ground crews raced in gray jeeps toward each plane, dropping heavy wooden blocks under the wheels, and climbing up on the wings to draw back the heavy canopies to release the human cargo. The fourteen crew members scrambled to the airfield grounds and embraced one another, removing their yellow Mae West vests and crush caps, giving thanks that what was lost was once again found. Meanwhile, miles away, five jet fighters crossed the sky into an ethereal graveyard. They hurtled at supersonic speed into an endless vortex of space and time without up or down, without time or space, without any connection to the world they left behind. At NORAD, desperate computer messages flooded the communications room alerting the men and women who worked there of a crisis in the making. An Admiral rushed into the room in time to confront a telecommunications staffer who was the most recent recipient of the tragic news. â€Å"Sir,†the young ensign said to the astonished man,†Flight 19 is missing.†â€Å"Get me Rumsfeld,†the Admiral replied. Two wars, 6 decades apart. Two tragedies, dance partners in a macabre story with ironic parallels. The past and the future, melded together, and separated, one mystery solved, another one just beginning. How to cite The Lost Squatron Short Story, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Diaspora And The Global Implications Of Samâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Diaspora And The Global Implications Of Sam? Answer: Introducation The major concern of the report is to focus on the issues of Diaspora and the global implications of the same. The further concern of the report is the people related to this and the experience of them. The major quarry that has risen in this report is the changes and the situation that the people had to go through while going through this change. Background There is a huge difference between refugee and Diaspora. Refugees are those people who migrate from their place to some other place for a shorter period. Diaspora is to adapt with a particular area. By saying, this one means to adapt with the culture, food and even with the beliefs of that region. It is the state of homelessness. The movement from one place to another and the process of adaptation to that place is the idea of Diaspora. It means breaking the boundaries of state and nation. The term Diaspora can be traced back to the twentieth century in Greek. The term means to scatter or to spread. The idea came from the spread of Jews from the Israel (Mirzoeff, 2014). The idea developed more from this incident. They were abolished from their own homeland. The Diasporas are of different types and are for different reasons. Some aim at returning to the homeland, some are attached to their homeland because of the political reasons. Diaspora is a variation of migration. The Case And The Research Some migrations are the result of imperialism; some are because of the trade and commerce. The person who shifts from one place to another faces the diasporic predicament due to the lack of proper relationship with the host country. They feel a sense of homelessness. It is however not same for all. There is a hope that the left ones will return to his own homeland at once. The major change found due to the Diaspora is the language change and the cultural change. The newly settled members find it difficult to adapt with the new conditions of the new place. Diaspora is a global phenomenon. There are various instances of different Diasporas (Brettell Hollifield, 2014). African Diaspora is the remarkable one where the Europeans and the Arabs enslaved the Africans in the nineteenth and twentieth century (Burrell, 2016). The Arabs took maximum people from Africa as their slaves and sold them in the markets of Middle East. The Europeans took the slaves from the western and the central parts of the continent and sold them in the markets of Europe and America. At present many descends are found in the America (Walvin, 2016). In the later years, inter race marriages were held between the blacks and the non-blacks. During the Spanish exploration, the Africans voluntarily moved on to Africa and Europe (Mercer, Page Evans, 2013). The African Diaspora was to some extent the result of the voluntary movement. Apart from the slave trade, it was just the voluntary action. African Diaspora is the loss of identity. It is the feeling of statelessness with the advent of the colonial rule. Few glimpses of it are captured and found in some literary texts as well for e xample, Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. The predicament is well observed in the text where there is a dilemma of the race and the imperialism. The loss of identity is the prime factor in it (Falola Sanchez, 2016). American Diaspora is comparatively low compared to the entire American population. The Americans gets low official permission to reside in some foreign land. The main reasons of the emigration are mainly the economic reasons, employment and marriage. The economic problem has remained a major problem in America throughout. The better economic opportunities outside America remained the major reason for the shifting of the mass from America to some other country. The situation can also be viewed from the other way round. America witnessed much immigration from the other countries as well. It saw the advent of many immigrants (Favell, 2015). The reason of the immigrations was same as well. The economic conditions, the social factors, and the educational factors were the main factors of immigrations. The children born in America are the official citizens of America. They are given the official right to stay there. While they return to their own place of identity, they are still known as t he citizen of US living abroad. They are frequently called the accidental Americans. They suffer the loss of identity both in the place where they were born and in their own place of origin. The feeling of homelessness remains in both the places, in America as well as in their native place. During the American revolutionary war, there was a huge increase in the American Diasporas. The Americans mainly shifted during the war to Canada and Britain (Ma Mung, 2005). During the First World War and the Second World War, a huge mass of population shifted to England (, 2017). Great authors also relocated themselves to Europe in order to get better cultural situation. The Europeans also migrated to America in huge numbers (Geddes, A., Scholten, 2016). The main problem in the American Diaspora is the problem of taxation. America imposes tax on the members who stay abroad as well. The problem was so serious that the citizens decided to give up the citizenship of America. The citizens suffered the sense of loss of identity in America as well as in the overseas land. They had no particular identity of any particular place. They faced the predicament in their homeland as well as in the foreign land. The cold war and the civil wars fueled the problem. Living in some other country was something not a desirable one. The foreign country denied them the permanent citizenship of that country and they even lost the same from their native country. The migration therefore served just as a temporary solution not a permanent one. The host country never could give that self-identity to the immigrants. Therefore, the immigrant could never find attachment with any of the countries, the native country and the one in which they shifted. The Chinese Diaspora is another major example of loss of identity and migration to another region. Maximum people migrated from the Mainland of china to Singapore and in some other Asian countries. They experienced discrimination all over. Some major discrimination faced by them was in Philippines. The natives of the country claimed protection from the government firstly for themselves. The Chinese were treated as the secondary citizen and they were supposed to get the facilities after the natives. However, after the development in the economic field the citizens of china migrated back to their nation. Initially the maximum population in Singapore consisted of the immigrants. It was only after the year 1930 that the native population of Singapore increased. After the industrial revolution, the demand of the labors increased and the pressure on immigration increased (Allen, J. 2011). The vital reason of Chinese emigration was the mass starvation that happened in china. The people who migrated from china mainly were labors and they called themselves as coolie. They moved to work in countries like Australia, America, Singapore, and South Africa and in some parts of Asia. The Chinese laborers were treated badly in the foreign countries. The labor recruiters in the markets sold them and they were harshly treated. Some were promised of good payment and good life but some were deprived of their daily wages. In maximum cases they were ill paid. In many cases, it has been found that the labors suffered from the disease during the voyage to South Africa. The labors were contractual and they sometimes could not even return to their native place after their contracts expired because of the disease, which brought havoc death of many labors (Jianli, 2015). Analysis Of The Data Diaspora is not only the shift of the people but it is also the shift of the culture and the shift of religion. The Buddhist while migrating to china and Japan preached the doctrines of Lord Buddha there and made it famous in the foreign land. It became means for them to remain connected to their homeland. Diaspora existed as the linking means. The person who migrates to some other nation has an emotional attachment with their native place. This idea can be argued while analyzing the situation closely. The person who transfers from Africa no longer feels an emotional tie up with the nation. This is not same in all the cases. There are different typologies of Diaspora. It includes the classical one, which is the Chinese, and the migration of Jews. These are old and have a structure. There are another form of Diaspora, which is known as the veteran type, which includes the migration of Greeks and Italians. These are quite new but they are highly structured. The newly born Diasporas are of Koreans. Finally, there are the Americans in Europe and Asia, which can be mentioned as the sleeping Diaspora. The members involved in this type of Diaspora are no longer active (Buchanan, 2003). Solution Of The Data To bring out a logical conclusion to this study it can rightly b stated that Diaspora is the change of roots and routes. It includes the shifting of not only the mass but also the culture, identity and the religion. Though the perspectives have changed now but the same is still existing in today`s world. The reasons of migration have changed to some degree but the consequences of it are still the same. References Allen, J. (2011).Lost geographies of power(Vol. 79). John Wiley Sons. Brettell, C. B., Hollifield, J. F. (Eds.). (2014).Migration theory: Talking across disciplines. Routledge. Buchanan, M. (2003).Nexus: small worlds and the groundbreaking theory of networks. WW Norton Company. Burrell, K. (Ed.). (2016).Polish Migration to the UK in the'new'European Union: After 2004. Routledge. Falola, T., Sanchez, D. P. (2016). Redefining the African Diaspora: expressive cultures and politics from slavery to independence. Favell, A. (2015).Immigration, Integration and Mobility. Ecpr Press. Geddes, A., Scholten, P. (2016).The politics of migration and immigration in Europe. Sage. Jianli, H. (2015). Diaspora at War: The Chinese of Singapore between Empire and Nation, 19371945. Ma Mung, E. (2005). Diaspora, spatiality, identities.Comparative European Research in Migration, Diversity and Identities, Bilbao: University of Deusto, 33-48. Mercer, C., Page, B., Evans, M. (Eds.). (2013).Development and the African diaspora: place and the politics of home. Zed Books Ltd.. Mirzoeff, N. (Ed.). (2014).Diaspora and visual culture: representing Africans and Jews. Routledge. (2017).Tropics of the Imagination conference 2017 - Singapore. [online] Tropics of the Imagination conference 2017 - Singapore. Available at: [Accessed 16 Sep. 2017].
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Stop the violence (SPAIN) Essay Example For Students
Stop the violence (SPAIN) Essay Basta. Enough. This word exemplifies the growing attitude toward the violence in the Spanish nation caused by the cultural differences between its Spanish and Basque inhabitants. The 2.1 million people of Euskadi, the Basque area of Spain, speak a different language than typical Spaniards, have a separate culture and society from that of Spain; and have a history of their own. Throughout the decades, these major cultural differences contained within the borders of Spain have continued to cause conflict between the Spanish people and the people of the Basque area. Many within la comunidad autonoma del pais vasco, the autonomous community of the Basque country, have long been seeking to free it from the confines of Spanish borders and have proceeded to do so in a terrorist fashion, although recently there have been attempts by the Basques nationalists to work towards more peaceful relations with the Spanish government. ETA is a Basque separatist organization in Spain that has taken up many violent practices in its efforts to gain independence for the Basque state. Standing for Euzkadi Ta Azkatasuna, meaning Basque Homeland and Liberty, this group grew out of the Partido Nacionalista Vasco, also known as the Basque Nationalist Party or PNV. Since the PNV was outlawed by dictator Francisco Franco, ETA retained its headquarters secretly in Paris during his reign. For the past 31 years, it has been the origin of numerous terrorist attacks, bombings, protests, and murders. It is the key player in the violence that has plagued Spain and its Basque area. The Basque region of Spain jumped back into the world arena most recently beginning in late 1997. By this time, the regional government there had gained partial autonomy from Madrid. It had been permitted home rule by the Spanish Constitution and elected its own Parliament with taxing power and a 6,000 member regional police force. The elected Assembly and administration there controlled education, cultural affairs, soc ial services, and created jobs for its people. It was in December of this year that the 23 leaders of Herri Batasuna (HB), the political voice of ETA, were arrested and sentenced to seven-year jail terms for making a video extolling the terrorist acts of the ETA. This decision by three Spanish judges marked the first time a direct link was recognized between the terrorists and their political allies. Unrest was an expected result of this, marked by the fact that approximately 180,000 Basques supported HB, a party whose abbreviation stands for popular unity in Basque. At the time, they had won 12%of the votes in the last general election, down from 14% from the election before. The violence of the ETA remained backstage for a few months until February, when it continued its violence in the shooting of Alberto Jimenez Bercerril, the deputy mayor of Seville, and his wife, Asuncion Garcia. This was significant because it was the first time the terrorists had targeted non-Basque official s and also because it suggested that all governing politicians might become targets of ETA attack. The shooting incited much protest in Seville, as Jimenez was the fourth official of his status to be murdered in less than a year. Global attention focused back on HB and the ETA the following month, only this time putting them as the victims of political treachery. CESID, the Spanish secret service that became the successor to Francos military intelligence service, were caught illegally bugging the offices of Basque separatists. This greatly damaged the governments anti-terrorist movement, and proved their promise to reform the secret service to be merely a joke. CESID had set up a listening post above HB offices, and fled when their wires were discovered by a telephone engineer. This discovery infuriated the regional government, run by the Basque Nationalist Party, which backed Spains minority conservative government. It responded by demanding that the government in Madrid pull secre t police and other spies out of the Basque country and to give their job to the regional police force, the erzaintza. The most significant effects of this incident were the new targets of CESID members by the terrorist ETA activists, and further reform by Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar concerning the work of the secret police. The renouncement of violence by the former terrorist groups of Irish republicans and Ulster loyalists in fall of 1998 set the stage for what changes were about to occur in Spanish-Basque relations. Since this action placed the ETA as the last terrorist group still active in Western Europe, their announcement of an indefinite cease-fire on September 18, before the October elections in the Basque country, was taken a little more seriously than usual. Skepticism still ran deep, as former supposed cease-fires had only resulted in more bloodshed; however, if proven to be effective, this cease-fire could contribute greatly to the drive for peace set forth by the no n-violent Basque Nationalist Party, which happened to be the largest political party in the Basque region. The announcement of the cease-fire caused the Basque Nationalist Party to urge Prime Minister Aznar to make gestures of good faith in order to better relations between all involved groups. They began to push for the movement of over 500 convicted ETA terrorists from prisons around Spain to those in the Basque region and for even still more autonomy for the Basques. Aznar was not quick to comply because of the three previous broken cease-fires and the elections within the territory in which support for non-nationalist parties was increasing. An issue of the Economist stated, Basque terrorism has become increasingly unpopular, even among Basques. However true, this did not mean that the nationalist movement was losing support; it just was moving toward a more mainstream approach. The cease-fire had followed seven months of honored contracts between non-violent Basque nationalist parties and Herri Batasuna. Together, they were hoping to gain more support for their nationalist cause and gain control of the assembly without having to form a coalition with non-nationalist parties. This support did not come. The October 25th elections results showed that the Basque Nationalist Party fell short of their desired majority, which made it likely that they would have to form a pact with a Madrid-based national party that would keep the Basque region within the borders of Spain. Euskal Heritarrok, the successor party to Herri Batasuna that changed its name in fear that the previous Decembers arrests of its leaders would lead to it being declared illegal, placed third. Socialist leader Rosa Diez was quoted as saying that these results show that the people of the Basque region dont want adventures but a stable framework. What effect would these results have on the cease-fire? An ETA spokesman said in a British Broadcasting Corporation television interview the day before the elections that that the cease-fire was firm and serious. Nevertheless, Prime Minister Aznar continued to refuse to negotiate with the ETA. He further denounced the party after the aforementioned spokesman said that it would not apologize for its violent guerilla attacks, stating that this was an insult to the memory of the victims of terrorism. Six weeks after the cease-fire, Prime Minister Aznar finally authorized his government to talk to ETA contacts. However, he still refused to make direct peace talks until ETA permanently renounces violence and laid down its arms. Such talks would mark the first time since 1989 that ETA would confer with the government, and the first time ever for such talks with a conservative government. Since this time, the Spanish government has claimed to have made significant contacts with ETA middlemen. By the middle of December, the government had agreed to transfer twenty-one Basque separatist inmates to prisons closer to the Basque region, feelin g that this would be a tremendous step towards peace between Spanish nationalists and Basque separatists. Contrary to this belief, two different Basque nationalist parties deemed this act to be lacking. On December 21, ETA confirmed once again its cease-fire and requested direct talks with Madrid. While waiting for these talks, several Basque separatists took refuge in France, where they had been regarded as freedom fighters. This refuge was shattered when on March 9th of this year the French police arrested Javier Arizcuren-Ruiz, known also as Kantauri, the leader of ETAs military wing while he was in Paris, along with five other known ETA members. Kantauri stood accused of at least 18 murders and ordering the 1995 attempt on the life of Spanish King Juan Carlos. Other than this occurrence, it appears that Spains Basque region is finally heading toward peace. ETA said shortly after this incident that it would request U.N. observers to oversee the peace effort, although the Spanish government did not see such supervision necessary. Terrorism has subsided, free elections have been peaceful, and the population of the Basque region has shown preference to peaceful negotiations over violence. What is the cause of this seemingly successful movement toward peace? Some suggest that the growing strength of the European Union has much to do with this. The original push of the separatists was to secede from Spain, a concept somewhat validated by the fascist regime of Francisco Franco. However, today it seems absurd to try to break away from a country which is joining the rest of Europe in blurring its borders and looking toward more political and monetary unity across the continent. To add to its appeal, the EU has contributed extensively to areas within its domain that face economic hardships. Spain is one of the recipients of these contributions, and the Basque area alone has received $1.4 billion in aid in the past two years. While European unity grows, the want for peace follows. Simply put, the people of the Basque region of Spain are sick of the violence, tired of the bloodshed, and less and less supportive of terrorist actions. They are beginning to look toward a more democratic system that brings with it more political tolerance and less unrest. New advantages within the economic arena in the Basque area are also contributing to the peace movement. The Basques had at one point played a major role in the steel and banking industries in Spain. However, with rising terrorism, industry shifted to Madrid and other more politically sound areas. Now, government subsidies and the prospect of peace have once again attracted investors to the Basque region, like foreign investors such as Arbed, a Luxembourg steel corporation. Unemployment may remain high for the time being, but the blossoming annual economic growth rate of 5.5% is incredible and actually exceeds that of the Spanish nation as a whole. I feel that this new push towards harmony between Spain and its Basque area will succeed. It is very similar to the situation in Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom, where the violence was stopped and peace has been maintained. The Basque people are tired of the unrest and are looking toward new ways to achieve their goals of autonomy. I think that they are beginning to see that concessions Prime Minister Aznar is willing to make to their demands (slowly, but surely!), along with less Spanish nationalism and a new look toward globalism and a united Europe, is what they have been seeking for so long. .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd , .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd .postImageUrl , .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd , .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd:hover , .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd:visited , .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd:active { border:0!important; } .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd:active , .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uda5064ee2dda4828f7b102267dfc4ddd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Arrowsmith Essay We will write a custom essay on Stop the violence (SPAIN) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The violent terrorist actions of ETA have taken the lives of nearly 800 people in guerilla attacks in the past three decades. Their actions and the reactions of the Spanish government to them have produced a course of events leading up to the current cease-fire that has proven only to be bloody and unsuccessful for both sides. The current peace movement has not only stopped the bloodshed, but has also helped the Basque area grow economically. All this adds up to a successful peace movement in the Basque region of Spain, stopping the violence of its past . R E F E R E N C E S :1.Basque bungle. The Economist. 25 April 1998, p. 55. 2.A breakthrough: Spain and the Basques. The Economist. 19 September 1998, p. 64. 3.ETA. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Internet. 8 April 1999. Available: 4.Goodman, Al. Spain: Basques seek U.N. observers. The New York Times. 19 March 1999, p. A6. 5.Goodman, Al. Spain: E.T.A. reaffirms cease-fire. The New York Times. 23 December 1998, p. A16. 6.Goodman, Al. Spain: an overture to Basque rebels. The New York Times. 19 December 1998, p. A6. 7.Goodman, Al. Spain Making Contact With Basque Rebels. The New York Times. 4 November 1998, p. A4. 8.Goodman, Al. Voting in Basque Region Helps Moderates, and Peace. The New York Times. 26 October 1998, p A11. 9.Now for votes: Spain and the Basques. The Economist. 26 September 1998, p. 53. 10.The Peace Dividend of a More United Europe. Business Week. 29 March 1999, p. 57. 11.SEVILLE. Time International. 9 February 1998, p. 10. 12.Spanish Basque Rebel Chief Seized in Paris With 5 Aides. The New York Times. 10 March 1999, p. A8. 13.Valls-Russell, Janice. Reigning in Spain: a tribute to diversity.The New Leader. 6 October 1997, p. 8-9. 14.Whats new? Spain and the Basques. The Economist. 6 December 1997, p. 57. STOPPING THE VIOLENCETHE MOVE TOWARD PEACE IN SPAINS BASQUE REGION
Friday, March 6, 2020
George C Marshall essays
George C Marshall essays Starting at a very young age George Catlett showed the attributes of a general and leader. Growing up in Uniontown Pennsylvania under the strict rule of his father, George Catlett Marshall Sr. and his mother, The Marshall plan encouraged European nations to work together to achieve economic recovery after World War II. In June 1947, the United States agreed to give aid to Europe if the countries would meet to decide what they needed. The official name of the plan was the European Recovery Program. It was called the Marshall Plan because George Marshall, the Secretary of State at the time first suggested it. The Plan first took action in April 1948; when Congress established the (ECA) Economic Cooperation Administration to administer foreign aid. Seventeen nations formed the (OEEC) Organization for European Economic Cooperation to assist the ECA and develop cooperation among its members. The United States sent about $13 billion in food, machinery, and other products to Europe. Marshall was dedicated to building a strong defense, but he also labored to find peaceful solutions to world conflicts. In December 1953, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in recognition of his contributions to the economic rehabilitation of Europe. He was the first soldier to win that honor. Through the words of Winston Churchill "During my long and close association with successive American administrations, there are few men whose qualities of mind and character have impressed me so deeply as those of General Marshall. He is a great American, but he is far more than that. In war he was as wise and understanding in counsel as he was resolute in action. In peace he was the architect who planned the restoration of our battered European economy and, at the same time, labored tirelessly to establish a system of Western defense. He has always fought victoriously against defeatism, discouragement, and disillusion. Succeeding generations must ...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
PREPARING THE FEASIBILITY STUDY 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
PREPARING THE FEASIBILITY STUDY 2 - Essay Example This aids in determining whether or not the project is valuable to the organization. Furthermore, CBA is useful to the organization as it gives them a clear picture of the CBR (cost, benefit and risks) which can also be used in comparing alternate investments that can be rolled out by the organization (FreeTutes 1). CBA determines the benefits as well as the savings anticipated from the system and compares it with estimated project cost. There are several examples of cost lifecycle including; personnel, supplies, equipment, overheads and consultants’ fees (Plowman 1). Costs can also be broadly divided into two broad categories which are development and operating costs. Development costs includes wages and equipment, while operating cost includes supplies and overhead costs. Maintenance also is cost intensive, and should be checked on in the future to avoid any losses from the project. It should be noted that maintenance fees are required to ensure that the machines are up and running at all times (FreeTutes 1). CBA has a three parts associated with it. First, the potential costs to be incurred, secondly, anticipated benefits associated with the proposed actions and finally, the difference to determine if the project is feasible (+results) or non-feasible (-results) (Plowman 1). The procedure to be followed when doing a CBA includes evaluation of the projects’ benefits and cost. To effectively achieve a perfect CBA, the team leader of the project must take into consideration the steps one has to follow. Includes brainstorming the costs and benefits of doing the project. The list of all the costs and benefits should be made available while undertaking the study. They should also think of unexpected cost during the process. The next step involves assigning the monetary value to the cost and these includes the resources required, that of human effort used. This is relatively easy to come up with the estimates. Step three is assigning
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
CDC children observation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
CDC children observation - Assignment Example The second child is Kate, a girl aged 3 years. She is also an active child. Her favorite activity is playing with dolls. As noted the boy is very keen on detail. He plays with his toy car alone at a corner of the playfield. He does not interact with other kids except in situations when they come to him. He seems friendly whenever another child spoke to him. However, he concentrates on the playing with his toy car. At one occasion, he seems to observe something unusual with one of the wheels. He takes up a screwdriver and tries to untighten the screw so that he can remove the wheel. However, he is unable to do it. He seeks help from the caretaker who quickly untightens the screw for him. The boy seems convinced that the wheel has a problem. He looks carefully all around. He notices each detail and observes that the plastic when is cracked. He does not replace the when since there seems to be no replacement. He takes his toy car to the store. I also observed the girl several times. She seemed to enjoy the company of other children. In fact, I did not see her alone at any time. She was always with friends. The girl loves dolls and has several of them. She takes motherly care for them. I observed her trying to feed one of the dolls, soothed it and also lay it to sleep. Along with other girls, she tries to talk to them, assuming that they can hear. She is also quick to cry whenever she is offended by one of her friends. The toys that children use in the center are gender specific. For example, boys are seen to be playing with toy cars. The toy cars are characteristic of male children and are thus male gendered. However, there are also a small number of girls attracted to toy cars. On the other hand, girls are interested in playing mother roles. All of the girls have dolls. Also, I did not see any boy with a doll. Children at the center are always quarreling over toys and playing space. The staff members try to resolve all the
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