Sunday, January 26, 2020
Cadburys Business Functions
Cadburys Business Functions Within every company there are organisational functions. I am going to investigate the main functions of the famous chocolate company Cadbury. Cadbury is a very successful business and have over 70,000 employees working for them. For Cadbury to remain a successful business it has to maintain some structure and business functions to be able to meet their aims and objectives. Throughout my findings of Cadbury the main activities of the following areas are what help and maintain the objectives that have been set by the business and allow Cadbury to continue to have a success an reach their aims. The production department is the department that produce the products. The department has to be in control of the turnaround of the production. When producing a product, materials and labour values are added so that the products can meet customers needs. The production team need to have a high maintained system to be able to provide, produce and reduce the amount of food waste within Cadbury. You would find that the production team in Cadbury would be concerned with the following issues: Cost of production The condition of the means of production Keeping production going Health and safety Keeping employees motivated Keeping up to date with technology Satisfying the requirements of customers Maximising the use of plant Minimising the waste of materials Finance: The finance department is the department that controls and deals with the money. The finance department are responsible for keeping all financial records and documentations of money that comes in and out of the business. The finance team are responsible for submitting tax reports and company registration. Once HR have agreed the salaries and bonuses that the staff at Cadbury are entitled to they then would issue all wages and preform the relevant tax reductions or national insurance contributions. The finance department control all giving budgets to each department, this is set in place so each department can achieve their objectives and do not waste money. Managers see these budgets and compare the sales and targets that had been met and the finance department then make plans for the future that will help the business to achieve its objectives. Human Resources One of the key roles of this department is the ability to keep everyone happy; they are concerned with the welfare of the staff, people whom come in contact with the company and welfare of the business by following employment laws and ensuring health and safety. When you have happy staff you have motivated staff and this helps to achieve the objectives. HR is also responsible for all training that has to be taken to ensure the company are up to date with the way the company functions and that all health and safety is being met. HR department employ and deploy staff as they would be fully trained in ethical issues and again the employment laws and ensure the equal opportunity procedures are in place and being followed, this avoids any law suits and trade union issues. Administration and IT The administration department within Cadbury are the department that provide support to all other departments within the organisation, they create a working order, which provides routine and functions smoothly. This support could be invoicing, photocopying, letter writing, posting the mail, collecting the post and distributing it correctly throughout the departments, attending meetings and taking minutes and then typing them up, keeping records of relevant information on the business, maintaining the computer systems, software, the security of the systems and the building and security and cleaning. Marketing and sales Marketing is the department that identifies the customers needs by carrying out marketing research alongside the research and development department, they develop the right products and promotions that need to be focused on within the needs and requirements of products requested by the companys customers and this helps to increase profit and keep the sales teams achieving their targets and objectives. To achieve the companys objectives the marketing team must get 4 main areas right: Products they must identify what is suitable for the target market, what brings total satisfaction to the customers, what customers would like them to produce, what is selling the most or what could do with some extra support due to low sales. Price- They must investigate the going rates or other suppliers to assure they dont overprice or under-price a product. Place- To identify where and what areas are selling certain product this would benefit the production team as they could work a system out to avoid waste and additional losses. Promotion-To identify where and when to promote a product, for example if a Christmas limited addition product became available, it would be irrelevant to advertise or promote this product in February. The above 4 areas help Cadbury to achieve at least 2 of their objectives: to be the number one product in a given market maximising profit Research and development Within the research and development department is where the staff at Cadbury investigates new products and try and improve the sales of existing products, this would involve going out and using different research mythologies, the staff in this area would perform surveys, experimental research and even observational research. They would examining competitors and try and find a gap in the market for any new product. The research and development department have to work very closely to marketing and productions to be able to achieve the right results to turn the findings of the research into useful products that will help Cadbury to achieve their objectives. Customer services The customer services department is to assure the customers are 100% happy with the products and services that Cadbury provide; within in this department they deal with customers questions and concerns. This department will help to gain a customers trust back if an unfortunate error has occurred. Having un-happy customers can affect Cadbury objectives, and having well trained professional staff to assist in certain areas of customer services can help promote and regain customers trust, to be able to meet the objectives. The managers This would be the people who wants order, control they love structure and high performance they like everything to be out into its place, unlike the technician who strives off of detail and knowledge and how to perform the task, the manager loves the order and they want everything to be done in a manner that gives consistency. The Entrepreneur This would be the person inside of you that strives for the business, dreams and focuses on the business becoming bigger and more known to the world. Sometimes you would find that the technicians and the manager seem to take over and forget about the person striving to make the business more of a success, to provide them with more jobs that can resolved or more jobs to organise, going out there to market the business, to make a business a really great business, you have to allow the dreamer to dream, you have to be able to work on your business not just in your business. As you can see from my examples above the manager and the technician work in the business and the entrepreneur works for the business. Each person has relevant tasks so that the objectives can be solved so the aims can be achieved Business Objectives of Cadbury and how they relate to the stakeholders Cadbury aims and Objectives Cadbury aims are what they want to achieve in the long run, and objectives are used to high light how those aims are going to be achieved. Objectives can be in a form of targets and challenges for the business to achieve the aims. Cadbury aims are to: Maximise profit To be the number one product in a given market To maximise sales To grow To operate in a wide range of markets Have a good reputation To provide freedom for workers to express themselves and suggest ideas to help the business Achieve best possible financial return on capital Boost or maintain share market values Cadbury use aims and objectives as they are the foundation for decision making within the company. It provides long term thinking its measurable and controlling and it motivates and inspires workers and employees, its direct, it focuses on efforts and unifies the company and most importantly it communicates with shareholders and employers regarding the businesses future. Cadbury use the S.M.A.R.T objective method to set their short term objectives. These objectives have to be set for the business, products or services. Specific The objectives should specify what Cadbury want to achieve, for example they may want to achieve a 3% market share in 12 months. Measurable The objectives should specify how you are going to measure whether you are achieving the objective. For Example a 3% market share over 12 months means that each month market share targets can be measured. Achievable The Objective must be achievable and attainable. For example Is the 3% objective for the 12 months achievable? Does Cadbury have the resources, man power and finances to achieve it? Realistic Can the objectives realistically be achieved with the resources you have? For example: Is the 3% objective over a 12 month period realistic or does the company need longer? Does the company have the skills and resources to achieve this over the time period set. Timely When do you want to achieve the set objectives? Without a timescale it is difficult to set dates for the achievement of key tasks and milestones. For Example: In our company have set themselves a period of 12 moths to achieve the 3% market share. Stakeholders A stakeholder is a person or an organisation that takes interest into a business and are there for effected by the way that it may be run; this would be in the areas of success and failure. Stakeholders can be people within the business or outside of the business; the different types of stakeholders can hold different views and can affect the way the owner wants to conduct the business which can affect the aims and objectives. I am going to give some examples on stakeholders and how they can affect the aims and objectives of Cadbury. Workers/employees To be able to give the workers/employees a sense of ownership the company must keep them up to date with what is going on with the business; this helps to improve performances and motivates the employees. The workers/employees are main stakeholders in the business because their motivation and happiness keeps the performance of the business running smooth and relies on them for the business to survive. Employees at Cadbury are called internal stakeholders; Cadbury have meetings to inform colleges about any changes and hear their views on the running of the company. Cadbury use research skills to find out if the employees are 100% satisfied or to enquire how they feel within the company. They provide the employees with newsletters and access to forums and account information to keep them informed with what is going on. This helps Cadbury to achieve their aims and objectives as it keeps the staff motivated and satisfied that they know what is happening within the company, if this did no t happen then employees would feel confused and this would affect their skills to perform the tasks. For example: if Cadbury was to introduce a new machine to make the work more efficient and faster, then the employees will require training as soon as possible to ensure that the production will run smoothly and effectively. If this was not done you would find that the employees would be stresses from trying to learn the machine themselves, errors could lead to faulty equipment and the company could lose profit due to the fact the employee was either slow or made an error as he was never given training. This would also make the employee feel very disappointed and could lead them to feel they were not doing their job correctly. In a worse situation the employee could have an accident on that machine, which could lead to a law suit. An employee to a Cadbury would want to achieve the best possible results, to gain profit and ensure the Cadbury is a success so it could continue to provide an income, if Cadbury was to collapse then the employee would then be affected as they would have to seek further employment. Customers A customer who is interested or purchases a product that Cadbury provided, also become stakeholders. Customers are external stakeholders of Cadbury which does not directly link them with the company, but have a major part of helping Cadbury meet their aims and objectives, without customers none of the aims could be met and Cadbury SMART objective method could not possibly be met and the business would just collapse. Cadbury customers are mainly interested in the price of the product and the hygiene of the factories and the machinery. Managers Managers have a key part in Cadbury as a stakeholder as they are interested how the business is run and how the employees are being motivated, to achieve the targets set by the company; they are interested in the control of the company, salaries and bonuses that could help them to influence the staff to perform the relevant objectives. The managers have a fear of loss profit as they want job security as it would be hard for them to find another job especially if the company have to re-locate or stop producing. Owners Owners are also stakeholders and these are the people who can control what Cadbury achieve and how they run their business, an area of interest for the owners of Cadbury is to maintain a good relationship with the suppliers and keeping financiers happy as Cadbury are always marketing and researching new ideas for chocolate products that having a well-established and not in debt with suppliers or other financiers ie: banks, taxman or employees, with provide them with bigger opportunities and the flexibility to produce the products when and when they can, so owners of Cadbury must make sure they use their money wisely. Local Community The local community can play a major part in Cadbury business objectives as they are stakeholders, who live in or work in the area where the factories are producing the products, this could have interests in the pollution or the traffic that the factory is creating, leading to complaints. The owners could decide they want to work all night and this could affect the residents who wish to sleep but cannot due to the noise that the factory works are making. Yet on the other hand Cadbury could open up a new factory in a new area, and this could create jobs and provide them people with an income lower the employability statistics in the area of job seekers and improve their quality of life. Government The Government are also stakeholders and take interest in the laws and legislation of Cadbury, the governments decisions can have an impact on the aims and objectives as the laws they enforce can actually shut the company down, they have to ensure the factory is following the health and safety and that the hygiene levels are met as they are producing a food product. The government also have a interest to see Cadbury achieve there aims and objectives as if the company stops producing products, staff would then be made redundant and then the employment rates will drop and no contributions will be made to the gross national product. Another interest that the government would have is that the company achieve their aims and objectives as they employ a lot of staff and each staff member would have to pay tax that would then be used for healthcare and education. Suppliers Suppliers are stakeholder within Cadbury. Cadbury are currently buying products from over 40,000 suppliers around the world; Cadbury strive to work with their suppliers giving them the opportunity to give suggestions on how they would improve quality of efficiency, this gives the supplier the ability to be flexible and feel appreciated and allows room for a very solid business relationship. Cadbury undertakes an evaluation on all potential suppliers to ensure that they are a fair trade company, such as standards that have to be met by the environmental protection and ethical labour practices. Suppliers would take interest into Cadbury as they supply the materials to Cadbury to produce their products, they want to see the business succeed, so that their orders dont stop coming and they still receive a regular income.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Is It Moral for Corporations to Test Cosmetics on Animals?
Is it moral for corporations to test cosmetics on animals or to use animals for medical experimentation? Pain is pain, and the importance of preventing unnecessary pain and suffering does not diminish because the being that suffers is not a member of our own species. (Peter Singer, Animal Liberation) Human beings†¦.. who are we? Are we Gods or we are just the top of the food chain on Earth? Do we have rights to harm other nonhuman species? These and many other questions I have in my head when I see how cruel we are sometimes to each other and even harsher toward the other nonhuman beings.Personally, I treat animals with respect because I consider them to be reasonable creatures that are in many perspectives similar to us, human beings. I am confident that animals have emotions; they can feel pain and happiness like we do. As we can see this is not enough for us to consider them our â€Å"little brothers. †From ancient times, many animals are being used for satisfying human’s different needs, such as food, transportation, and materials. Nowadays, human beings use animals not only for abovementioned purposes, but also for cosmetics and medical experiments.All these experiments definitely cause harm to animals. Majority of human population believes that all these experiments are the required attribute for all pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies. They believe that these practices can prevent many people from suffering by testing all new medicine and cosmetic products on animals first. According to this I can say that animals’ sufferings caused by people became moral issue for our last generations. In my essay I will use the work of Peter Singer â€Å"All animals are Equal,†because his work covers most of the aspects that I agree with.The main purpose of this essay is to emphasize that nonhuman beings have many similarities with human beings and they need to have basis rights for life without pain. It means that human beings must understand that all species are equal and it is immoral to make them suffer. There are similarities between human beings and animals that can be taken into account. In this case, I consider that main feelings that are possessed both by human and by nonhuman beings are pain and happiness. It is obvious that animals that surround us can experience pain. Just imagine if you kick a dog with your leg, the dog will moan and probably will un away with its tail between its legs. If this dog would not suffer from that kick it would not try to prevent that pain from occurring. On the other hand, imagine the same dog running towards her master, spinning her tail and running around him, licking his hands, jumping and sending many other positive signals that represent happiness. By visualizing these two images you can easily understand that animals have basic feelings like we do. For some people this might sound like nonsense if I say that people are equal to other species that are inhabiti ng our planet. I will not take into consideration some biological features of the beings.I want to look at this problem from the moral perspective. Today it is acceptable by many developed countries around the world for women have equal rights with men. We consider that this is a right thing, but think for a moment that essentially males and females are not the same. I mean they have equal rights but not all rights applied for both men and women, due to physiological differences or other factors. For example, P. Singer mentioned in his work that women have right to abortion so in order to make them equal to men, males also must have the same right to abortion (P.Singer, p. 172). However, men do not need this right since those instances never occur. According to this example, equality does not particularly mean that men and women have all the same equal rights. It means that they have the same rights in regards with to what they have in common. Concerning cosmetics and medical experi ments on animals I can definitely say that it makes animals suffer. Let’s take medical experiments of new drugs. Nobody knows what is going to happen when any external substance is implemented on an animal.There are certain medications tested on animals and that caused the death of the animals. For example, one of the scandal cases is the sheep Dolly that died because of the cloning experiment. Obviously there is a big chance for the animals to die after certain tests are performed on them. Nevertheless, human beings still accept the fact that some species other than humans can justifiably suffer in order to possibly save some human being’s lives. However, animals that are involved in those experiments will receive nothing in return but suffering because the only purpose of those experiments is to help people.So, regarding cosmetic experiments, those animals suffer not for the sake of saving some human’s life, but for the sake of helping a number of people to lo ok more beautiful. For instance, before introducing a new cosmetic product such as shampoo to the market a product should go through the series of tests, the part of which is animal testing. Even this single product can harm a large number of animals. Looking more attractive, in my mind, is not worth causing pain to other species. I want to say, that the number of animals’ suffering is greater than the pleasure that human beings receive.In other words the degree of harm is higher than the degree of happiness. Some people might say let’s think about the morality that animals have. The main principal of their lives is to survive. Most of them survive by killing and eating other animals. Let’s take lions as an example; they kill other animals to feed their prides. In other words, they hurt other species to make their own lives flourish. If we can call this their â€Å"morality†, then medical experiments are the right thing to do, because human beings are the part of the same biosphere as lions and other animals are.As a result of these experiments many lives of the human beings were saved. Without the experiments on animals it would be impossible to reach the constant improvements and developments in medicine. If we talk about equality with animals in this perspective then we are equal to them, since we act according to their â€Å"morality. †All these arguments are related to utilitarianism. Utilitarian theories are dealing with selection of the action that will result in the maximum good for the greatest amount of individuals (Encyclopedia Britannica).Regarding animal testing from utilitarian point of view I can say that this is not right thing to do. Since it can be moral only if it delivers the greatest good to greatest number of individuals I can calculate how many individuals are better off in this case. For example only in France in 2005, 12,117,583 animals were used for medical experiments (Andrew Knight, p. 651). Takin g in account that this number represents the quantity of animals that were used by only a single country, I can definitely say that the total number of animals used for experiments in the whole world is much greater than human population.Moreover, not all people received benefits from those medical experiments, but all animals tested suffered or died. Talking about the previous example of analyses of lions’ morality I want to mention that in that case lions kill not more than two zebras to feed more than ten lions. On basis of this, greater good delivered to greater number of individuals. The professor of Oxford and Warwick universities and also the former head of Medical Research Council Colin Blakemore states that many irredeemable human diseases like Alzheimer’s multiple scleroses would never be possible to vaccinate without using all possible tools.In this case, experimental animals are one of the tools that are needed for the research of those diseases (Colin Blak emore). This claim proves that animal testing is one of the main research attributes. Therefore, in order to provide seriously ill people with quality medications, pharmaceutical companies have to test new drugs on animals. It is obvious, that fifty years ago it was normal for researchers to use animals for medical and cosmetics experiments, because they did not have any alternatives. It is known, that today’s technologies have features that can substitute usage of animals.If it is possible to use other means than animals why people do not do that? It seems to me that until animal tests are regarded as moral by human beings this practice will continue. Moreover, there will be a lot of different arguments that will support the idea of animal experiments. Yet, the fact that we can do medical experiments in 21st century without torturing animals is obvious. It is immoral to cause pain to a human by another one. The main reason for that is that human can suffer. Everyone in his o r her life experienced pain and know what it is.So, it became immoral thing to harm other people. Moreover, every person has a right to not experience pain from other individuals. In other words people are bounded by their rights and morality from making other people suffer. We are protected by rights and by laws not to be harmed, but animals are not protected by those rights and human morality. Nevertheless, they can suffer like we do. In this case both human and nonhuman beings experience relatively the same feeling of pain. Since the pain is the one factor that makes us similar to animals, why other species do not have rights to not suffer?One of the reasons why animals do not have some equal rights with people is probably because all those concepts of equal rights were created by human beings. It becomes obvious that human beings are selfish in this perspective. If you are the man it does not mean for me that you can decide for others what to do with their lives. What about the fact that human beings are the part of the biosphere of our planet. I think this is immoral to not take into account that animals can suffer like we do. In these circumstances I agree with P. Singer as he introduced an example about an orphaned infant.He said that â€Å"would be experimenter ready to make his experiments on orphaned infant if it would the only option to save many lives. If experimenter would be against using orphaned infant for experiments, then his readiness to use animal is simple discrimination. †But many adult animals are more receptive to pain than human infants. (P. Singer, p. 176). This is not good and people must understand why they have to do something about it. I agree that this practice is hard to change. Still, looking back in the history there were many practices that were accepted to be moral.For instance, I want to mention slavery and discrimination of African American or women. All of these cases were perceived to be normal at those times, bu t now moral values have changed. It means that there is a chance that people will comprehend the pain that we cause to nonhuman beings. People cannot decide for animals what to do with their lives. It is not moral to benefit one by harming another one. In this case all experiments on animals must be reformed. However, it is rooted deeply in our moral values system, so this values need to be changed as they were changed in other cases similar to this one.Human moral issues are changing all the time. Just recall the time when all people we classified by skin color or other signs. It was normal to discriminate black people only because they have a different skin color. Going back we can see that white people at those times would never accept that they are born equal to black people. It took a lot of time to change those beliefs. Now Barak Obama is the president of USA while a century ago this fact would appear implausible. It means that it is possible to change moral believes of human beings by giving them enough arguments for that.According to this I can definitely say that there are enough arguments that can be used to prove that animal experiments can be reformed. I want to conclude that the problem of animal experiments is related to each individual. According to utilitarian theory the animal experiments are not a right thing to do, because harm of these experiments is greater than the positive outcome. Number of ruined animals’ lives, is much greater than the number of saved human beings’ lives. The only way to prevent animal usage is to persuade people that this is inapplicable in our modern community.As I mentioned there are many ways, including technological improvements, to not use animals for medical experiments. The technology of 21 century allows constructing virtual models of live organisms that are able to predict a reaction of a tested medicine. This argument can cause the change in human beings’ morality, and animals will get equal rights with humas, by taking into consideration their abilities to experience pain and happiness like we do. Moreover, our morality is the subject that can be changed, as we can observe by looking back in the history.We need to start doing it, because we are the most intelligent creatures on the Earth and the future of many animals is in our hands. Work cited 1) Blakemore, Colin. â€Å"Should We Experiment on Animals? Yes. † The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 29 Nov. 0028. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. . (I trust this web site, because the author seems to me very intelligent, since he is the professor of Oxford and Warwick universities and also the former head of Medical Research Council Colin Blakemore) 2) Knight, Andrew. Systematic Reviews of Animal Experiments Demonstrate Poor Human Clinical and Toxicological Utility. † ATLA -NOTTINGHAM- 35 (2007): 641-60. Print. 3) Peter Singer, â€Å"Chapter 14: All Animals are Equal†in Hugh LaFollette (ed. ), Ethics in Practice. 171-180 4) Singer, Peter. Animal Liberation. New York, NY: New York Review of, 1990. Print. 5) â€Å"utilitarianism. † Encyclop? dia Britannica. Encyclop? dia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Encyclop? dia Britannica Inc. , 2012. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. .
Friday, January 10, 2020
A Profile of Me Essay
My name is Anton Polovets. I’m 22. I was born in the Rechitsa city, which is situated not far from Gomel where I live till nowadays. I studied at the school â„â€"4. I entered the International University â€Å"MITSO†after school. I get a lot of new knowledge at the University. I understood the meaning of importance of high education here. Except knowledge I met a lot of interesting people here not only among students. After a few years in the University I got qualification of manager-economist. While getting education I start to work as a sales manager in auto parts shop in Rechitsa. Now I try to do all my best on my work, because I understand that it is very important for me now, not only because of profit but it is a good life experience. But I must say that I satisfied with my profit. Despite lack of free time I have some hobbies. I like to travel, I like to play guitar. I took part in some euro trips which were offered by our University. Every trip was exciting for me. New landscapes, new cultures, new people, I was impressed. I took a lot of photos. Another hobby is guitar. It is my passion. I take guitar lessons some times a week. I like how guitar sounds I like to touch guitar strings, I like to make music, while I make guitar to sound. As Bon Jovi said â€Å"All I have is my guitar, these cords and the truth†. To finish I’d like to say that I have some main aims in my life and I do all my best to reach it.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Post-Impressionism and Van Gogh The Conduit in Art...
Visual opulence, creativity, inimitable vision, and a style that is highly influential are the many characteristics of an admired movement in art history, that being of the Post-Impressionism movement (1875-1892). This movement, which was a by-product of the Impressionism movement, is the bridging gap between the two movements known as Realism and Expressionism. Post-Impressionism takes on some of the stylistic characteristics of these movements; however, it does not contain the all too glossy visuals of Realism or the heavily fantastic visuals of Expressionism, rather it is the intermediary of these two poles. My paper will discuss why this link was absolutely essential to the history of art movements, and I will be specifically using the†¦show more content†¦According to, David W. Galenson and Bruce A. Weinberg, in their article, Creating Modern Art: The Changing Careers of Painters in France from Impressionism to Cubism, the goal of the Post-Impressionism artists were to symbolize, rather than describe nature. Therefore, this in turn, allowed them to use more innovating techniques and to express their emotions; Gauguin and van Gogh were particularly zealous about using their emotional state to convey the content of their paintings. A quote taken directly from Galenson’s and Weinberg’s article, perfectly describes this attitude of emotion, rather than observation as the key artistic foundation of Post-Impressionism: â€Å"Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin drew their inspiration from emotions. Van Gogh declared that instead of trying to reproduce what I have before my eyes I use color more arbitrarily in order to express myself forcibly, whereas Gauguin advised a fellow painter: Go on working, freely and furiously, you will make progress.... A strong emotion can be translated immediately†(Maurice Malingue qtd. in Galenson and Weinberg_2). Consequently, this notion of an imposing vision creates the truly compelling, haunting artworks of Post-Impressionism; particularly in the works of the artist, who needs no introduction, Vincent van Gogh. Vincent van Gogh during his humble artistic beginnings in Paris, France was heavily influenced by
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