Tuesday, November 26, 2019
or Undermine Reasoning As A Way Of Knowing.
e ·mo ·tion ( -m sh n) n. 1. A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling: the emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love. 2. A state of mental agitation or disturbance: spoke unsteadily in a voice that betrayed his emotion. 3. The part of the consciousness that involves feeling; sensibility: â€Å"The very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect†(Isaac Bashevis Singer) rea ·son (r z n) n. 1. The basis or motive for an action, decision, or conviction. 2. A declaration made to explain or justify action, decision, or conviction: inquired about her reason for leaving. 3. An underlying fact or cause that provides logical sense for a premise or occurrence: There is reason to believe that the accused did not commit this crime. 4. The capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought; intelligence. 5. Good judgment; sound sense. 6. A normal mental state; sanity: He has lost his reason. 7. Logic. A premise, usually the minor premise, of an argument.1 rea ·son ·ing (r z -n ng) n. 1. Use of reason, especially to form conclusions, inferences, or judgments. 2. Evidence or arguments used in thinking or argumentation.1 From the definitions provided, we can see that in this dictionary reason is defined as being synonymous with logic, and emotion with spontaneity. Logic is normally connected with conscious thought and premeditation, and emotion with instinct and reflex. You cannot plan what you feel, but you can plan what you will learn. Take, for example, the idea of scientific objectivity. Scientists carrying out experiments try to put their emotions and predispositions to one side, so as to not negate the objectivity of the experiment. Ideally, an experiment should be carried out in the pursuit of pure fact, and emotions would turn that pure fact into personal interpr... or Undermine Reasoning As A Way Of Knowing. Free Essays on Evaluate The Ways In Which Emotion Might Enhance And/or Undermine Reasoning As A Way Of Knowing. e ·mo ·tion ( -m sh n) n. 1. A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling: the emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love. 2. A state of mental agitation or disturbance: spoke unsteadily in a voice that betrayed his emotion. 3. The part of the consciousness that involves feeling; sensibility: â€Å"The very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect†(Isaac Bashevis Singer) rea ·son (r z n) n. 1. The basis or motive for an action, decision, or conviction. 2. A declaration made to explain or justify action, decision, or conviction: inquired about her reason for leaving. 3. An underlying fact or cause that provides logical sense for a premise or occurrence: There is reason to believe that the accused did not commit this crime. 4. The capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought; intelligence. 5. Good judgment; sound sense. 6. A normal mental state; sanity: He has lost his reason. 7. Logic. A premise, usually the minor premise, of an argument.1 rea ·son ·ing (r z -n ng) n. 1. Use of reason, especially to form conclusions, inferences, or judgments. 2. Evidence or arguments used in thinking or argumentation.1 From the definitions provided, we can see that in this dictionary reason is defined as being synonymous with logic, and emotion with spontaneity. Logic is normally connected with conscious thought and premeditation, and emotion with instinct and reflex. You cannot plan what you feel, but you can plan what you will learn. Take, for example, the idea of scientific objectivity. Scientists carrying out experiments try to put their emotions and predispositions to one side, so as to not negate the objectivity of the experiment. Ideally, an experiment should be carried out in the pursuit of pure fact, and emotions would turn that pure fact into personal interpr...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Use Attribution Correctly as a Reporter
How to Use Attribution Correctly as a Reporter Attribution simply means telling your readers where the information in your story comes from, as well as who is being quoted. Generally, attribution means using a source’s full name and job title if thats relevant. Information from sources can be paraphrased or quoted directly, but in both cases, it should be attributed. Attribution Style Keep in mind that on-the-record attribution - meaning a sources full name and job title are given - should be used whenever possible. On-the-record attribution is inherently more credible than any other type of attribution for the simple reason that the ​source has put their name on the line with the information theyve provided. But there are some cases where a source might not be willing to give full on-the-record attribution. Lets say youre an investigative reporter looking into allegations of corruption in city government. You have a source in the mayors office who is willing to give you information, but hes worried about repercussions if his name is revealed. In that case, you as the reporter would talk to this source about what kind of attribution he is willing to commit to. You are compromising on full on-the-record attribution because the story is worth getting for the public good. Here are some examples of different kinds of attribution. Source – Paraphrase Jeb Jones, a resident of the trailer park, said the sound of the tornado was terrifying. Source – Direct Quote â€Å"It sounded like a giant locomotive train coming through. I’ve never heard anything like it,†said Jeb Jones, who lives in the trailer park. Reporters often use both paraphrases and direct quotes from a source. Direct quotes provide immediacy and a more connected, human element to the story. They tend to draw the reader in. Source – Paraphrase and Quote Jeb Jones, a resident of the trailer park, said the sound of the tornado was terrifying. â€Å"It sounded like a giant locomotive train coming through. I’ve never heard anything like it,†Jones said. (Notice that in Associated Press style, a source’s full name is used on the first reference, then just the last name on all subsequent references. If your source has a specific title or rank, use the title before his full name on the first reference, then just the last name after that.) When to Attribute Any time the information in your story comes from a source and not from your own firsthand observations or knowledge, it must be attributed. A good rule of thumb is to attribute once per paragraph if you are telling the story mainly through comments from an interview or eyewitnesses to an event. It might seem repetitive, but it’s important for reporters to be clear about where their information originates. Example: The suspect escaped from the police van on Broad Street, and officers captured him about a block away on Market Street, said Lt. Jim Calvin. Different Types of Attribution In his book News Reporting and Writing, journalism professor Melvin Mencher outlines four distinct types of attribution: 1. On the record: All statements are directly quotable and attributable, by name and title, to the person making the statement. This is the most valuable type of attribution. Example: The U.S. has no plans to invade Iran, said White House press secretary Jim Smith. 2. On Background: All statements are directly quotable but cant be attributed by name or specific title to the person commenting. Example: The U.S. has no plans to invade Iran, a White House spokesman said. 3. On Deep Background: Anything that is said in the interview is usable but not in a direct quotation and not for attribution. The reporter writes it in his own words. Example: Invading Iran is not in the cards for the U.S. 4. Off the Record: Information is for the reporters use only and is not to be published. The information also is not to be taken to another source in hopes of getting confirmation. You probably don’t need to get into all of Mencher’s categories when you’re interviewing a source. But you should clearly establish how the information your source gives you can be attributed.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Toyota recall is not safe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Toyota recall is not safe - Essay Example One of these companies is Toyota Motor Corporation, commonly known as Toyota. This is a multinational corporation with its headquarters in Japan. Toyota has factories in most parts of the world which makes it one of the world’s largest automaker (Toyota, 2010). The cars manufactured by Toyota were considered the best until the series of accidents that were caused by the cars’ design. Some say that the issue was not very serious and it was unnecessarily amplified by its competitors over the media. Very recently, several vehicles faced the problem of the accelerator pedal getting stuck which caused unintended acceleration and hence many accidents. As a corrective measure, Toyota has decided to recall its sold cars and fix them (Reed, P., 2010). According to a source, by January 28, 2010, Toyota had announced recalls of about 5.2 million cars for the pedal entrapment/floor mat problem, and an additional 2.3 million cars for the accelerator pedal problem. Out of these, almost 1.7 million cars have both these problems (Toyota Press Release, 2010). In addition to this, it cut down on its production to a great extent as well. Other companies that have faced the same problems include Honda, Ford, etc. However, the problem faced by these org anizations did not affect their image and financial condition at the same scale as Toyota. Now when we talk about this incident and Toyota’s reaction of recalling the cars that were potentially damaged, people often take two different sides. Some say that the Toyota recall was a good idea while some disagree. It is very important that all aspects of this issue are discussed so that we can understand the strategy better from all angles. Therefore, in this paper, we will discuss both sides of the argument in the coming paragraphs, firstly discussing the arguments for the Toyota recall. The Toyota recall is believed to be the best thing for everyone. We noted in the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Core Competence of the Corporation Assignment
The Core Competence of the Corporation - Assignment Example Definition: Core competency: Core competency is what a company does well (a company’s strength), that differentiates it from other similar business establishments. M. Tampoe describes core competence as management subsystems which incorporate processes, diverse technologies, resources and knowledge to distribute services and products which would reap unique and sustainable benefits and also add worth to an organization. Introduction: The idea of "core competencies" in the organization is one of the most significant business shaping ideas in the present business world. This is one of the key thoughts that lie behind the present wave of outsourcing, as companies concentrate their attempts in key strong (work) areas and outsource as much as they can of everything else. The opening point for understanding core competencies of an organization lies in understanding that a business in order to acquire good position in the market requires having something that consumers uniquely value . The most powerful method to succeed worldwide competition is still unseen to many of the business establishments. Here the study talks about the core competencies of the corporation Boom-Bust Construction Ltd. ... The following case study talks about the Boom-Bust Construction Ltd (BBLC). First of all, to understand how to build up core competencies; it is advisable to understand what is and in not a core competency? According to Prahalad, core competencies are not necessary on the subject of: outspending competitors on Research &Development, sharing expenses between business units and amalgamating vertically. At the same time as the construction of core competencies may be helped by some of these proceedings by themselves, they remain inadequate. What is the topic about? The following study makes an attempt to critically review the article about the core competencies of the corporation (by C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel) and application of core competency ethos in business industry. The following case study talks about Boom-Bust Construction Ltd (BBLC), it is a large family building organization owned by Jed Boom. As per C.K. Prahalad, the application of core competency in BBLC might help to de velop various new opportunities. Core competencies are inclined to be rooted in the capability to coordinate and incorporate various groups in the company. At the same time as an organization may be capable to hire a group of brilliant scientists with a particular skill, in doing so it does not itself become competent in that skill. But the efficient coordination between every group involved in bringing an invention to the market, can be taken as a core competency of the company (Core competency suggestions by P.J.H Shoemaker, S.T. Walsh & J.D. Linton, M. Tampoe and D.C.Band & G. Scanlan). Criticisms: The idea of core competencies was started by C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel in the year 1990 as a part of management literature. The two main
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Draft Letter Going to War in Vietnam Essay Example for Free
Draft Letter Going to War in Vietnam Essay It was a very hot and humid day. I will never forget that awful day. I just had gotten home from work; the traffic that day was horrible. The mail was in top of my dining room table, and there it was on top of all the mail, the only thing o saw on the envelope was draft and I was the addressee. My reaction was â€Å"Oh My God†, my heart was pounding very heart it felt like it was about to jump out of my chest, my ears were burning. All I could think was that we are told that we are helping people and fighting for our freedom. Instead innocent people are being killed; I have lost most of my freedom. What options do I have, leave the country, or hide for the rest of your life. Or go to war not only means serving your country, but helping people along the way. What were my advantages or disadvantages? None of those options were good, at that point I was in shock, and I just could not believe that this was happening to me, till this day I do not remember ever opening that letter. The advantage I saw was, if I went to war the money I will be getting. With that money I could help my family, have a better future, and it can help me open a lot of doors. The disadvantage is that I can get killed, injured, my family would be devastated, but at the same time they would feel proud. To some, including me the Vietnam War was a crime, an attempt by the United States to suppress a heroic Vietnamese national liberation movement that had driven French colonialism out of its country. To others, the Vietnam War was a forfeit, a just war needlessly lost by timid policymakers and a biased media. For many including myself, the Vietnam War was a tragic mistake brought about by U.S. leaders who exaggerated the influence of communism and underestimated the power of nationalism. Another advantage would be that I would come back as a hero, either alive or in a box. I will still be considered a hero, that is, if I live in a community that is very patriotic. But in my case I do not live in a community like that. The disadvantage would be that my community would not even know that I have gone to war. All I could think was that the draft discriminated against the poor, the less educated and ethnic minorities. Many of us were drafted into the Army against our will nearly all of us are kept in its grasp against our will all in order to carry out this illegal, immoral, and unjust war. We are forced to fight and die in a war we did not create and in which we don’t believe. There are advantages and disadvantages in every war that can either be minute details or change the whole course of war. I would go to war even knowing that I may get killed, injured. Morally is the right thing to do. As a citizen we have a duty to this country whether or not we believe in the cause of war. Initially, people going to Vietnam bought the domino theory. They willingly went because they were defending freedom and democracy and the American way, those who were sent to Vietnam knew that they did not have the support of the American people, knew that they were there in support of a failed policy, and knew that they were not defending freedom or democracy, but were pawns in an ongoing political struggle. My conclusion after writing this is that never think for a moment that you are the only one side that is suffering you might be physically safe from the effects of war. But war is an insidious enemy and all the more damaging when it is implications reach you, others through a dead and suffering.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Importance of Inclusive Education in Australia Essay -- Special Ed
As a child It was constantly stated to me by my family and teachers â€Å"If everyone was the same, what a boring place the world would be†a famous quote by an unknown author about celebrating individual differences. Difference is defined by Ashman and Elkins; as varying levels of social, emotional, physical and intellectual qualities that make us all different from other people (Ashman & Elkins, 2009). In today’s world this is viewed as society’s version of normality (Ashman & Elkins, 2009). Inclusion involves the incorporation of all types of differences into a mainstream classroom (Ashman & Elkins, 2009). It is unfortunate that even in the 21st century that the policies and legislations related to inclusive education are different between all the different states and territories of Australia as well as between the public and private school systems. These current differences in policies in legislation between the states and different school structures in my opinion don’t encourage the students’ with diverse needs. As a nation Australian authorities do promote and encourage inclusion into their mainstream classrooms (Campbell, Gilmore & Cuskelly, 2003). But this promotion cannot and does not ensure that this as a policy will be accepted by all individual classroom teachers (Campbell, Gilmore & Cuskelly, 2003). As a whole teachers with bad attitudes towards inclusion impact their own views onto their pupils and onto their students general level of educational outcome (Campbell, Gilmore & Cuskelly, 2003). As time moves forward more and more schools are becoming involved with the idea of inclusive education (Ashman & Elkins, 2009). One of the negatives or variations as seen by a school with inclusion is that if the child has high... ...ther diverse the new generations will become. Works Cited Ashman, A & Elkins, J. (2009). Education for Inclusion and Diversity (3rd ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia. Campbell, J., Gilmore, L., & Cuskelly, M. (2003). Changing student teachers’ attitudes towards disability and inclusion. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 28, 369-379. Carpenter, L. (2010, March 4). Developing an Inclusive Curriculum 4030EPS. Lecture presented for the Griffith Education Lectures in Inclusive Curriculum, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD. Lachlan, F., & Boyle, C. (2007). Labels and Special Education: Is the use of labels in special education helpful?. Support for Learning, 22, 36-42. Queensland Government. (2005). Inclusive Education Statement (Reference Information paper ). Queensland Government Department of Education.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Pros and Cons of Ethical Theories
Ethical Theories- Pros and Cons Katherine Bryson ETH/316 October 15, 2012 Mark Cobia Ethical Theories- Pros and Cons The similarities between the virtue theory, the utilitarianism theory and deontological theory are that they all support good and responsibility. Virtue theory not only concentrates on how an individual acts but also what a person should strive to be, for example a religious figure may personify perfection when in the public when they really should strive for that perfection at all times. The deontological theory states that people â€Å"have a moral obligation to follow certain principles. I liken this to the Ten Commandments, rules or principles that we all are expected to follow. â€Å"The utilitarian theories, as supported by John Stuart Mill, call for generating the greatest aggregate good for the greatest number of people. One major benefit of such theories is that they take consequences into account. They seek specifically to promote the human good as a whole. They also provide guidance for behavior, enabling people to know what qualifies as the moral choice. †I will again use the religious area as an example because to me this is what the religious leaders do.They preach to the multitudes to be good and do good and they also offer guidance. The differences between virtue theory, utilitarian and decontological are that â€Å"virtue ethics cannot generate specific rules to guide behavior. †Under the utilitarian theory â€Å"only total human good or happiness matters. †Deontological theories â€Å"do not always clarify how to rank duties. †I lived in a very small community where everyone knew everyone and we all thought we were living the life of good moral standards and values, until one day I saw a very prominent member of the community, enter an establishment that everyone knew was a hangout for drug users.This person was there for a long time and when they came out you could tell they were under the influ ence. Now according to the deontology theory it was my obligation to report this person to the proper authorities, but I fell short because it meant the demise of a family.References Ridley, Aaron. 1998. Beginning Bioethics. New York: St. Martin’s Press http://www. bio. davidson. edu/people/kabernd/Indep/carainbow/Theories. htm http://www. ehow. com/info_8404891_pros-cons-ethical-theories. html
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Poetry Explication Essay
Sir Walter Raleigh (1552-1618) was called a â€Å"silver poet of his time because of the way he did not conform to the poet writing style of the Renaissance era. He became fairly popular with Queen Elizabeth I and was knighted in 1585. But he fell out of her good graces when he secretly married ladies without her permission. The queen locked him in the Tower of London for some time, and while he was locked up he was writing poetry. He was ultimately arrested and executed in 1618 to appease the Spanish government for some ransacking that his men did on one of their voyages through America. His works are everything from plain to somber and that is one of the main things that made him a great poet. The Nymph’s Reply â€Å"The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd†by Sir Walter Raleigh has many themes and interpretations. The poem describes love and time, but the most important thing that I think it describes is â€Å"Carpe Diem†or seizing the day. The poem is a response to Christopher Marlowe’s â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love†. Marlowe’s poem describes a shepherd trying to win over the one he loves by promising her all of these earthly things, but Raleigh’s poem is the woman seemingly denying the shepherd’s advances and saying that all of the earthly things that he promised will all eventually pass away and be forgotten. The Nymph says that the only way we can be together is if youth lasted forever and their passionate love knew no time. I believe that the theme of this poem is carpe diem and the poetic elements that support that are alliteration, visual imagery, and situational irony. The first element that helps describes Carpe Diem is in the poem is alliteration. Raleigh’s use of alliteration really helps get his points across to the reader and helps the transactions be smoother. Like in the line, â€Å"These pretty pleasures might me move†(1224), Raleigh uses alliteration to almost mock the shepherd’s advances on the nymph. And also in the line, â€Å"Time drives the flocks from field to fold†(1224), Raleigh uses alliteration to help to say that time changes everything. That is the reason why alliteration supports the theme of Carpe Diem. The only way the Nymph will accept the shepherd’s love is if they forever live in the present where they are young and passionate. The nymph does not want earthly things that will wither or sour throughout time, but rather she wants things to be eternal and stay fresh. These examples are a perfect form of Carpe Diem, and that is why alliteration helps get the main point across to the reader. The next poetic element that helps represent Carpe Diem in the poem is the imagery, more specifically the visual imagery. Raleigh uses imagery to help support Carpe Diem by showing the disadvantages of time. He shows the readers how moods change with the seasons, flowers will wither, and things grow old all through imagery. Like in the lines, â€Å"Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies Soon break, soon wither, soon forgotten†(1224-1225), Raleigh helps the reader see the flowers withering through time. He even does so well as to put images in the reader’s mind of things fading away and being forgotten. When Raleigh uses imagery to diminish time he is also using it to uplift Carpe Diem at the same time. And that is how imagery helps support the theme of Carpe Diem. The final poetic element that helps support the theme of Carpe Diem is irony. And the specific irony used in the poem is situational irony. The sense of helplessness by the shepherd is apparent throughout the poem. The shepherd has to listen to the nymph deny all the things he promised her, and tell him that the only way that they can be together forever is if they can stay young forever. This is why it is situational irony because there is nothing the shepherd can do so that he and the nymph can live young forever. The best he can give her is Carpe Diem and try to live in the now while the passion is still fresh, but ultimately they could never be together forever. This sense of situational irony is why it is a perfect example of Carpe Diem. In conclusion the poem itself really displayed strong cultural values of its time period. It showed that during the time of romanticism Carpe Diem was a big thing back then. It was a great poem with many key points and I enjoyed reading it.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
My Childhood Nightmare
My Childhood Nightmare ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ My nightmare followed a series of events in my life from the age of about five when I was old enough to understand things. My twin brother Bernard was born with a heart defect that required major surgery. His condition was so acute that the doctors told the family he would only live for four years after the diagnosis. However, with the encouragement and support offered by the family, Bernard fought his condition bravely until the age of twenty when he finally gave up the fight.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ It was around midnight in summer when Bernard lost the battle. I remember lying on top of my bed that night, unable to sleep, just thinking of Bernard in hos pital following his second major operation. Everything was quiet; all you could hear was the sound of hungry foxes in the nearby bushes searching for food, dogs barking in the neighborhood. I gazed from one corner of the room to another as my mind wandered as to whether the operation was going to save Bernard's life.Following the operation early that afternoon, Bernard's condition deteriorated. He was on a life support machine and his chances of survival were very slim. The telephone rang shortly after midnight and I rushed to pick it up. It was the hospital informing us that Bernard had passed away.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ Two days later, Bernard was put to rest. Traditionally, as a twin, I had to undergo some customary practices. This is a tradition practiced among twins when one dies. There is a myth behind this that non performance of this ritual has adverse mental, emotional and socia l effect on the remaining twin. It is believed that the spirit of the deceased will live in the living twin's body, which in turn hinders the living twin's control of his/her life. This...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Hybrid Publishers What are they and should you TRUST them
Hybrid Publishers What are they and should you TRUST them Hybrid Publishers: What are they and should you TRUST them? Hybrid publishers are still a bit of a mystery to many authors. The term â€Å"hybrid†may mean different things to different people. To some, it's interchangeable with vanity publishing - which is understandable, as they both require the author to take some financial risk in order to get the book to market. Before an author chooses to embrace or avoid this model of publishing, a lot of questions need to be asked.In this post, we’ll aim to cut through the noise and answer the most burning questions surrounding hybrid publishing. What are hybrid publishers? We have the answer! What are hybrid publishers?As the name hints, a hybrid publisher combines elements of traditional publishing and self-publishing. In most aspects, they function just like a traditional publisher, with the key exception that their authors will subsidize the cost of publishing and will not be given an advance on royalties.Just like traditional presses, hybrid publishers tend to have editorial, design, and marketing teams. The idea behind hybrid presses is to give a traditional-style publishing option to authors who cannot (or prefer not to) work with a traditional publisher. Self-publishing is not for everyone. If you’re a writer whose only interest is to write books, then you might want someone else to handle the editorial, design, and marketing work. If this is something you’re willing to pay for, then this might be the right choice for you.Three reasons to avoid hybrid publishing1. The publisher might struggle with marketing and salesA hybrid publisher’s editorial and design departments might have incredible standards - and be able to deliver a great product - but without the marketing might of a larger company, they will likely struggle to secure publicity and get your book placed into the right stores.2. The author assumes a fair amount of financial riskAt the end of the day, the author is going to be footing a significant portion of the publishing bill. And in exchange, they will have to trust that the hybrid press is doing what’s best for their book. If it all doesn’t go to plan, and the book doesn’t sel l, then the author has very little recourse to recover their investment.3. Another route might be more appropriateIf the book you’re writing has great commercial potential, you might be better off looking to secure an agent who will pitch it to traditional publishers. Similarly, you might find that self-publishing offers the same perks and more: you can still work with professional editors and designers, and you’ll get an even bigger cut of the royalties. If you’re willing to learn about the basics of book marketing (and put them into action), you might find that you can reach a wider audience than if you leave it all to a hybrid publisher’s marketing department.If you want to learn more about self-publishing a book, take a quick look through our guide.Have you worked with a hybrid publisher? Or do you have any questions about them? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
True Grit Themes and Film Elements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
True Grit Themes and Film Elements - Essay Example She asks the Sheriff if she can hire a Deputy U.S. Marshal to track down Chaney and bring him to justice. The Sheriff recommends three of them and Mattie chooses to hire Rooster Cogburn. Mattie’s first conversation with Cogburn occurs when he is in a toilet out of a saloon. Mattie waits for him to come out but he takes too long. This is to show that Cogburn drinks a lot and is sort of nonchalant of what goes on in the world. Until the first appearance of Cogburn, the camera focuses a lot on Mattie. She has been shot from low angles and when three criminals are hanged in the beginning, the camera follows Mattie in a way that makes her presence prominent. This shows that Mattie is a very important character in the movie. Cogburn’s first appearance in the movie is like that of a title or a very important character. He is called as a witness in a courtroom and everybody is listening to his testimony very carefully. He explains to the court that his fellows and he had tried to talk about the situation with the Wharton boys who had allegedly murdered an old man and a woman for some money. He explains that they tried â€Å"to talk some sense into him†but they chose to attack his group and Cogburn had to shot them and their father to save his life. Also, when asked about how many men he has shot in his 4 year career as a Deputy U.S. Marshal, he says that he has â€Å"never shot anybody he didn’t have to.†In this scene, a whole new opinion can be formed about Cogburn which is quite different from him being a drunkard. It can be easily construed that Cogburn is man of good judgment and reason who is not afraid to use violence when it is necessary. When Mattie has first real and face to face meeting with Cogburn, she says to him she has heard that he is â€Å"a man with true grit.†From this statement, it seems that Cogburn is the central character but he shares it with Mattie. He refuses to believe that Mattie would be able to pay the reward of $50 that she offers to him for the capture of Tom Chaney. However, when Mattie raises the money by horse-trading with Colonel Stonehill, she is able to convince Cogburn to pursue Tom Chaney. He agrees but has some qualms about Mattie accompanying him. Another very important development before Mattie successfully secures Cogburn’s services is the introduction of Texas Ranger LaBoeuf who is also after Chaney who has murdered a state senator in Texas. LaBeouf is a strong character in the movie and is noticeable how the camera follows him when he is talking to Mattie as she wakes up. When he stands up from his chair, the camera shows his boots and the spurs on his boots are prominent. Although he tells himself after a little while that he is a Texas Ranger, the focus on his shoes and the guessing eyes of Mattie at the same time show that he is an accomplished individual. He is beyond his jurisdiction but he is pursuing Chaney for a big reward that is offered for Chaney in Texas. His entrance into the movie is also like that of a very important character. He is shot from a low angle when he looks at Mattie when she is going inside to spend the night. He tells Mattie of her business and offers to join forces with Cogburn in pursuit of Chaney as Cogburn knows the area very well and LaBoeuf knows hoe habits and reactions of Chaney. Mattie proves to be very firm in her resolve and insists that she wants to see Chaney hang in Fort
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