Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Christian Spanish Theology Essay examples - 1236 Words
Luke Savidge Linda Peacore Systematic Theology 10.28.2011 Manana: Christian Theology From A Hispanic Perspective Manana: Christian Theology From A Hispanic Perspective examines the basic ideas and concepts of Christian theology through the lens of the Hispanic culture. Justo Gonzalez, who writes the book, is a Cuban immigrant who feels as though the world in which he grew up helps him understand not only the Hispanic culture better, but theology and how it relates to Hispanics. Gonzalez explores different divisions within Christian theology in the book such as Biblical theology, reading the Bible in Spanish, Trinitarian theology, theology of creation, anthropology, Christology, and pneumatology. He draws a great picture and idea of†¦show more content†¦Gonzalez also explains how he feels like there have been many ‘macroevents’ and ‘macroformations’ that are going on now in the 20th century, which can be tied back to the 16th century and the Protestant Reformation. He talks about how history has shaped where the Hispanic culture is today, and how that ties into how they view theology and the Word. In chapter 5, which is titled Reading the Bible in Spanish, Gonzalez turns his focus onto Hispanic theology and how it interprets scripture. He primarily uses two separate terms when trying to explain the Hispanic perspective on the Bible, though he does not do a good job of clearly explaining the distinction between the two, which can make it difficult for the reader. The two words that he uses a plethora of times are innocent history and noninnocent history. He says that throughout the Old Testament, which he usually refers to as the ‘older’ testament, he feels as though this is the innocent history. He gives examples of this such as Abraham lying to Sarah, Jacob stealing the birthright, and other stories where it is blatantly against the Word. Gonzalez says that the New Testament, can be referred to as the noninnocent history, and uses examples of the Gospel writers. He states that when the writers of the Gospels were writing, that they held the noninnocent view , and he uses examples like the genealogy of Jesus, the incest ofShow MoreRelatedHistory Of South American Poverty And The Development Of Liberation Theology1451 Words  | 6 PagesLiberation Theology â€Å"But the poor person does not exist as an inescapable fact of destiny. His or her existence is not politically neutral, and it is not ethically innocent. The poor are a by-product of the system in which we live and for which we are responsible. They are marginalized by our social and cultural world. They are the oppressed, exploited proletariat, robbed of the fruit of their labor and despoiled of their humanity. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Overpopulation a Problem - 1464 Words
Is Overpopulation a Serious Problem? This question seems to be question that is asked quite frequently lately. In the last two centuries, population has skyrocketed. In 1800 the world population was only at 1 billion, and today its estimated that the world population exceeds six billion people. With overpopulation, many problems have arisen. Some believe that overpopulation is the reason for world hunger, global population will reach crisis proportions by 2050, and some believe that overpopulation will bring the extinction of the human race. When one looks at the arguments that these people present, its quite overwhelming the amount of evidence thats supports their argument. On the other side, the evidence for the opposing†¦show more content†¦Malthus goes on to state that the earth is filled with life in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and that if left unhindered could fill all the worlds in the universe, but necessity, that imperious all pervading law of nature restrains them within their prescribe d boundaries. Man cannot escape from this fact. Among plants and animals its effects are waste of seed, sickness, and premature death. Among mankind, misery and viceÂ…Â…* Malthus in his article goes on to state what kinds of positive preventive checks there are for population growth and uses England as an example. The difficulties of raising a family acts as a preventive check, as well as some of the distresses of the lower classes in providing food and adequate attention to children also acts as a preventitive check. Malthus states that the preventive check operates in some effect to all ranks of society in England. For example, he says that there are some men even in the highest rank not willing to start a family due to the fact that they have to give up many of their own leisurely activities, or not willing to give up the money to start a family. ‘These consideration are certainly trivial, but a preventive foresight of this kind has objects of much greater weigh t for its contemplation as we go lower.* A good situation that embodies this quote is that of a single man that earns just enough money to be considered to be in the class of a gentleman. If this man gets married he must knowShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Overpopulation And Overpopulation1102 Words  | 5 PagesIreland in the 1720’s, poverty and overpopulation were at a problematic rate. Many of the people who lived in England were exiled to Ireland. Many of these Englishmen felt mistreated and wronged. Ireland was a colony to England. The people of England had more money and power than the people of Ireland because England controlled Ireland. Johnathon Swift, a satirical writer, wrote â€Å"A Modest Proposal†to show the flaws of the current solutions to the overpopulation and poverty crisis in Ireland. He wantedRead MoreOverpopulation : The Problem Of Overpopulation1251 Words  | 6 PagesOverpopulation: The Top Worry Yet to be Proven by the Worried The definition of hysteria is an exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion, usually found within groups of people. An example of hysteria includes overpopulation, the futuristic â€Å"problem†that is not and will not be a dilemma in the foreseeable future. Back in 15,000 B.C., the world population was five million. Today, it is a staggering seven billion plus. This has caused unease that overpopulation will be a problem for our future generationsRead MoreOverpopulation Is A Problem Of Overpopulation1529 Words  | 7 Pagesthe whole humankind. Overpopulation is a problem that every nation is facing but sometimes over looked by due to lack of understanding and awareness. This is a serious issue that should be taken care of immediately. Overpopulation is an undesirable situation where the number of existing human populace surpasses the carrying capability of Earth. There are main factors that are contributing overpopulation such as the rising birth rate and declining of mortality rate. Overpopulation occurs when the birthRead MoreOverpopulation And The Problem Of Overpopulation1388 Words  | 6 PagesTo begin with, in demography, the term overpopulation refers to a condition wherein the total population of a particular region far exceeds the carrying capacity of the region. Although the term by and large refers to the ratio between population and the available area, the ratio between the population and available resources cannot be ignored. First, the rate at which the population is growing; the data compiled by the United Nations shows that the world population grew by 30 percent betweenRead MoreOverpopulation And The Problem Of Overpopulation1747 Words  | 7 PagesOverpopulation Programs There are many organizations that deal with the problem of overpopulation or problems related to the effects of overpopulation such as environmental effects. Some of the organizations that I found related to this topic are the United Nations Population Fund, a group called Population Matters, another group called the World Population Balance and the Center for Biological Diversity. All of these groups deal with the issue of overpopulation and the effects that overpopulationRead MoreThe Problem Of Overpopulation And Overpopulation872 Words  | 4 PagesHuman overpopulation. Human population can be defined as the condition whereby, the total count of the human inhabiting a certain area exceeds the carrying capacity of the area Bongaarts, (2011). This brings out an issue of the carrying capacity of the region which alludes to the number of individuals who can inhabit a certain area for a given period. It may also be looked at as the situation whereby the available renewable resources in a certain area can satisfactorily support the current populationRead MoreThe Problem Of The Overpopulation Problem1122 Words  | 5 PagesPerhaps one solution for the overpopulation problem is to provide all children, who have reached puberty with Reproductive Education License of Four (REL4). REL4 is a two-step solution program that will provide education and contraception, which will decrease the population growth. Jennifer Weeks (2015) article, â€Å"Global Population Growth,†discusses the number of women without access to birth control. Research conducted by a nonprofit organization showed nearly 225 million women globally, includingRead MoreOverpopulation : The Convoluted Problems Of Overpopulation896 Words  | 4 PagesOverpopulation The convoluted problems concerning overpopulation remain to be a highly discussed issue in various countries throughout the world. Some issues that are in support of overpopulation include the opportunity to place innovative ideas into action, aids in stimulating the economy, creates job openings in new growing industries, increased human resources, encourages competition, advancement in urbanization and development, creates a demand for industries like farming, and allows for cheaperRead MoreOverpopulation Is Not The Problem1395 Words  | 6 Pages Overpopulation Overpopulation is a prominent controversial topic among society, in which some believe the exponential growth of humanity is detrimental to its future, whereas others conclude this theory is a myth due to human nature and resources. In Isaac Asimov’s, â€Å"The Case Against Man†, he elucidated the verity of overpopulation, emphasizing that the disproportion of earth’s carrying capacity and its resources will inevitably lead to humanity’s demise. Introducing the notion thatRead MoreOverpopulation Is Still The Problem1201 Words  | 5 PagesIn the article Overpopulation Is Still the Problem, Alon Tal (2013) claims that overpopulation remains the number one problem facing the world today and discusses various problems and possible solutions. Tal unveils the falsely assuring news stories refuting overpopulation as a problem. He particularly dissects Ellis Erle’s assertions, in the New York Times, concerning China’s seemingly magical works of t echnology. Erle comes to the conclusion that China’s amazing technology has and will always be
Monday, December 9, 2019
Implementing Evaluating A Plan Nursing Care -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Implementing Evaluating A Plan Nursing Care? Answer: Introduction The actual problem in Mr. Popes situation is that she is highly malnourished to an extent that she may potentially encounter muscle weakness, dizziness, and may also be at high risk of contracting diseases (Verlaan et al, 2017). However, the most prominent potential problem to be encountered by Mrs. Pope is an unintentional loss of weight which may be at the rate of 5% to 10% within 3 to 6 months (Bowers, 1999). The assessment will begin by measuring Mrs. Popes (the clients) weight, body mass index (BMI) and triceps skinfold thickness (compared to a normal of 13mm). Next, there will be an assessment of her skin colour (may be pale in case of malnutrition). The patient may also appear thin and have less serum albumin and serum cholesterol than required. According to Bowers (1999), this will sum up to a protein-calorie malnutrition diagnosis with proper recommendations for calorie intake made. Goals and Expected Outcomes Depending on the assessment, it may be recommended that the patient should gain at least one pound per week. Similarly, as part of the plan, the nurse will be expected to verbally explain the nutritional requirements and the strategies required to ensure that the nutritional requirements are incorporated into the clients diet upon discharge (Verlaan et al, 2017). Ultimately, it is an expected outcome that the patient will remain free of infection. As part of the actions, the nurse will ensure that the client is weighed weekly at a specific time of the day to keep a record of the progress. Secondly, as recommended by Verlaan et al (2017), the nurse is expected to teach the patients caregiver on basic nutritional requirements besides designing a program that would guide the patient on how to eat the recommended food nutrients ( e.g. high calorie or high protein). However, the program should also incorporate the patients preferences (Bowers 1999). Finally, the client must be guided on how to reduce the risk of infections. To ensure that the clients situation is closely monitored even after discharge, she will be asked whether she feels more energetic. Likewise, as Bowers (1999) recommends, the Miss Goodey will be asked to assist in purchasing food that will ensure she maintains the required calorie and protein levels. Psychosocial consequences faced by Mr Pope during her association with Miss Goodey Bowers (1999) defined psychosocial problems as those associated with work, relationships or schools. While older people may experience stressors that are common to other people, they are also highly susceptible to other problems which are common to people in later stages in life. For instance, due to the age difference between Mrs. Pope and Miss Goodey, Mrs. Pope might have faced isolation, or loneliness because of lack of peers to interact with (Verlaan et al, 2017). As mentioned earlier, a major potential problem to be encountered by Mrs. Pope due to her status of malnutrition include is high susceptibility to diseases. To prevent this, strategies such as maintaining hand hygiene, environmental hygiene, vaccination and care coordination between the Mrs. Goodey and the nurse can be of great help in reducing the risk of disease infection (Verlaan et al, 2017). To discharge the patient, I would enrol the patient to a nutritional support program close to her home for 4 to 6 months, where she would be exposed to a prescribed diet for the first two months and varied nutritional diets in the subsequent months until she gets stable (Bowers 1999). If there is no nutritional support program near her home, I would refer them to the nearest health center for a continued monitoring and evaluation. I would assess my clients cognition levels through a clinical neuropsychological assessment which involves a detailed interview with the client together with a close family member. Argued by Rao Sarkar (2017) as the gold standard for cognition assessment, neuropsychological assessment entails a study of the clients history together with the family members representation of the nature and cause of their cognitive impairment. Hence, to conduct a successful neuropsychological assessment, I would be required to have previous psychological and medical reports of the patient to help develop a hypothesis of what could be the cause of a patients cognitive impairment. Nursing Interventions to Promote Cognitive Wellness A major intervention for promoting cognitive wellness among aged patients is cognitive intervention. Based on the neuroplasticity theory, cognitive interventions such as processing efficiency training can improve mental processing while teaching cognitive strategies such as mnemonics have been proven to compensate for lost cognitive abilities (Rao Sarkar, 2017). Equally, as Shu-Ying Ting-Yueh (2017) mention, psychotherapy has been a major intervention towards cognitive wellness because it helps eliminate symptoms of cognitive decline such as anxiety, irritability, and depression. Xie (2017) supports nutrition and physical activity as good interventions. On the other hand, Kalyuga (2008) and Shu-Ying TingYueh (2017) agree that cognitive training is among the best strategies. However, other studies (Hwang Hwang, 2008) suggest that a successful introduction of these interventions to aged patients requires a deeper understanding of their personality and preferences, as some techniques may not achieve a high success rate with some kinds of personalities. Firstly, observe what is inside to prepare for the weight and check the condition of the box to prevent of dropping the box if it has rips (Van der et al, 2015). Secondly, ensure that the route towards the storage is clear to avoid stumbling and tripping off with the box. Thirdly, keep the back straight before firmly gripping the sides of the box for a slow lifting. Fourthly, while carrying the box, the carrier should keep their back straight and never to twist at any given point because twisting may cause injury. Finally, while placing the box down, the carriers back should be straight before shifting the box to their legs and squatting to place the box gently on the floor. Assisting a Client to Stand and Move to a Chair/Bed The client should be asked to put his/her hands on the chairs armrest, before leaning forward and moving to the front of the chair. The next step is to ask the client to put their feet on the floor while keeping it under their knees and within the hip width. The client should then be asked to lean forward while still in a sitting position so that her nose is over the toes and upper body over and above their knees. The nurse can then confirm if the client is ready and steady; telling them to rock gently before asking them to push to a standing position while supporting themselves on the armrest (Bernadette et al 2009). To sit on next chair/bed, the client is asked to use back of their legs to feel the bed/chair and gently lower themselves to the bed/chair upon reaching for the armrest (Van der et al 2015). For a safe sit-up, the nurse should first be as close as possible to the patient by seeking support on the patients bed (Bernadette et al, 2009). Next, the nurse should talk to the patient explaining to him/her how to keep the correct posture by keeping the spine in its S-curve natural shape, keeping the eyes and head facing straight ahead. Likewise, it is important to get a firm grip on the patient as they gently sit up (Van der et al, 2015). According to Darabi et al (2016), performing a nutritional assessment is to develop a good intervention and improving the clients health by identifying changes in their lifestyles. The first step is to collect clinical data of the patient including their weight and BMI. Similarly, I would take the nutrition history of the patient including their eating disorders, food preparation and the micronutrient levels in the food intake to be considered while designing a diet plan for the patient (Argyri et al, 2011). It is also important to monitor the clients weight history and history of physical activity before assessing the food preparers knowledge of the patients targeted blood glucose levels (Darabi et al, 2016). Strategies to Reduce Negative Outcomes and Effects of the Home Cooked Meals on Diabetes The patient should take foods with a low glycemic index to have a modest rise in blood sugar (Argyri et al, 2011). Similarly, there is a need to establish proper meal timing, and the meals must match with the insulin doses to ensure that the body has time to respond to insulin doses. Likewise, it is important for the patient not to skip meals as this may lead to hypoglycaemia (Darabi et al, 2016). Educational Direction on Long-Term Effects of Raised Blood Glucose Levels I would first inform the patient about the possible macro vascular complications which include damages on the legs, brain and heart vessels. Similarly, I would inform the patient about possible micro vascular complications which entails the damage of feet, kidney, and eye blood vessels (Argyri et al, 2011). I would then educate the patient on how to minimize the possibilities of these effects. Instructions for Procedures An eye bath is usually undertaken when a toxic substance accidentally enters the eye. In case of this emergency, the victim should: a) Move immediately to the eye washing station b) Activate the flushing unit according to the operating instructions c) Position the eyes directly on the flushing stream d) Keep the eyes wide open by holding eyelids apart e) Roll the eyes gently in an anti-clockwise direction so that the fluid reaches all areas of the eyes f) Continue flushing the eyes for 15-20 minutes so that the chemical/toxic substance is fully diluted g) Upon flushing, victim should visit a doctor for further directions. Changing a Dressing According to Verlaan et al, (2017), this procedure is normally undertaken to ensure that the wound dries as first as possible. The author further suggests the following steps to be followed: a) Wear non-sterile new pair of gloves b) Place the preferred packing tape or gauze pads on a bowl with saline c) Squeeze the packing tape until saline no longer drips d) Carefully cover the wound with the wet packing tape, leaving no spaces under the skin e) Cover the wet packing pad with a dry dressing pad larger in size before holding the dressing in place with a tape f) The used supplies should then be put in a securely closed plastic bag before putting it in a second closed plastic bag and trashing it g) Wash hands upon finishing I would greet the patient with their first name. In this manner, the patient will feel more secure and confident with me. This also builds an incredible relationship between the carer and the patient, creating more room for proper engagement during the procedure (Tateaki et al, 2017). Techniques Used To Assist an Elderly Patient Shower, Shave and General Personal Grooming First, bathing should be done only as often as necessary if the patient finds a difficulty in bathing. While it may be possible to avoid a daily bath, carers must ensure that the patients genital area, hands, and face are washed daily. Before conducting the bath, the carer must ensure that all the bathing supplies are ready and that the room is kept comfortably warm. An electric shave is recommended due to its safety and ease of use. However, the patient must be in a sitting position and they must have dentures in their mouths too before shaving (Dahl et al, 2015). Oral hygiene I would ensure the patients mouth is cleaned on a daily basis, and that the dentures are regularly checked for cracks. I would also remove the dentures for regular cleaning and store them in clean water while not in use (Tuncbilek Senol, 2016). Documentation to Be Completed During the Day I would maintain a grooming and dressing checklist and accident reports to ensure that all the grooming activities are executed and that any accident that occurs during the day is recorded. 6.5 Items to be noted in the Progress Notes for an Adult Daily Care a) Clients emotional changes b) Clients physical changes and c) Clients behavioural changes Case studies How to Prevent Valdis Frustration and anger Valdi could be assisted by making the instructions more easy and simple to understand, besides avoiding too many questions or statements at once. Fulfilling Religious Needs of the Care Patients To assist Farzan to meet his religious needs, it is important to let him know that the hospital respects his religious status and gives him the liberty to exercise the rights associated with the religion. However, the patient can be made to understand that having two caregivers five times a day may be impossible for the hospital. Thereafter, the hospital can negotiate with the client to reduce the number of prayer sessions to accommodate the hospitals routines (Verlaan et al, 2017). References Argyri, K, Sotiropoulos, A, Psarou, E, Papazafiropoulou, A, Taouxis, M, Zampelas, A, Kapsokefalou, M 2011, 'Desserts of modified composition have a positive effect to postprandial glucose and insulin response in diabetics', Hellenic Journal Of Nutrition Dietetics, 2, 1, pp. 37-45. Bowers, S 1999, 'Nutrition Support For Malnourished, Acutely Ill Adults', MEDSURG Nursing, 8, 3, p. 145. Bernadette, P, Leonie, D, Yvonne F., H, Johan, M, P. N. Richard, D, Jan H., V 2009, 'Development of a Battery of Instruments for Detailed Measurement of Health Status in Patients with COPD in Routine Care: The Nijmegen Clinical Screening Instrument', Quality Of Life Research, 7, p. 901. Darabi, A, Pourafshar, S, Suryavanshi, R, Arrington, T 2016, 'Comparison of three instructional strategies in food and nutrition education: developing a diet plan for a diabetic case', International Journal Of Science Education, 38, 7, pp. 1197-1211. Dahl, U, Johnsen, R, Saetre, R, Steinsbekk, A 2015, 'The influence of an intermediate care hospital on health care utilization among elderly patients - a retrospective comparative cohort', BMC Health Services Research, 15, 1, pp. 940-966. Hwang, G, Tseng, J, Hwang, G 2008, 'Diagnosing Student Learning Problems Based on Historical Assessment Records', Innovations In Education And Teaching International, 45, 1, pp. 77-89. Kalyuga, S 2008, 'When Less Is More in Cognitive Diagnosis: A Rapid Online Method for Diagnosing Learner Task-Specific Expertise', Journal Of Educational Psychology, 100, 3, pp. 603-612. Rao, S, Sarkar, A 2017, 'Beneficial Effects of Exercise on Cognitive Decline in Old Age', Indian Journal Of Gerontology, 31, 4, pp. 423-429. Shu-Ying, T, Ting-Yueh, C 2017, 'Research on Outdoor Environments and Activity Behavior of Senior Citizens with Dementia - A Study in Taipei City', Applied Mechanics Materials, 865, p. 605. Tateaki, N, Taro, O, Takashi, A, Takuya, O, Yoshiyuki, M, Madoka, K, Hitomi, S, Haruyasu, M, Hirotsugu, K, Tetsuhiko, T, Akira, O, Kazushige, W, Hisao, I, Takuya, O, Takeshi, I, Shota, O, Kazuhisa, N, Masahiro, E, Katsuhiro, O, Keita, M 2017, 'Unfavorable impact of cancer cachexia on activity of daily living and need for inpatient care in elderly patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer in Japan: a prospective longitudinal observational study', BMC Cancer, 17, pp. 1-10. Tuncbilek, Z, Senol Celik, S 2016, 'Nursing diagnoses and interventions in the care of elderly patients undergoing surgery', Expert Review Of Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes Research, 16, 1, p. 17. Van der, S, R. A., G, R., B, F. Galindo, G, J., E, T. J., H, N. L. U. van, M 2015, 'What Augmented Physical Activity and Empowerment Can Bring to Patients Receiving Total Knee Replacement: Content, Implementation, and Comparative Effectiveness of a New Function-Tailored Care Pathway in a Routine Care Setting', Biomed Research International, Vol 2015 (2015), Directory of Open Access Journals, EBSCOhost, viewed 8 March 20. Verlaan, S, Ligthart-Melis, G, Wijers, S, Cederholm, T, Maier, A, de van der Schueren, M 2017, 'High Prevalence of Physical Frailty Among Community-Dwelling Malnourished Older Adults--A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Journal Of The American Medical Directors Association, 5. Xie, Q 2017, 'Diagnosing university students academic writing in English: Is cognitive diagnostic modelling the way forward?', Educational Psychology, 37, 1, pp. 26-47.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Music Recording Industry free essay sample
For centuries man had dreamed of capturing the sounds and music of his environment by means of music recordings. The road to successful music recording had not been smooth until the derivation of the music recording industry. Since the inception of the music recording industry, the way in which music is produced, distributed, sold and consumed have greatly changed so also has popular music changed over time. These changes resulted from new technology which was invented between 1890 and 1900 and paved way for entry, which In turn has caused significant structural shocks within the industry.The Sound Recording Technology invention has not only changed the way we listen, but has also substantially reduced the cost of production, reproduction and distribution of the industry product to the very minimum especially within the past 5 years. Although technology seems to pose an obstacle to entry into the industry, recently, the main barrier to entry over the past years has been radio airplay because of the cost associated with Informing consumers about the existence and the nature of products In the Industry. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Recording Industry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Between 1900 and 1910, there was an integration of three large firms (Victor, Columbia andEdison) who controlled most audio-related products including playback devices and the audio products themselves and this served as a substantial barrier to entry. But it is possible for another technology of supply, high speed internet, might eventually offset this important barrier to new entrants into the industry. After 1910, the music recording Industry became the center of controversy involving (1) alleged price fixing by the major firms in the Industry and (2) massive alleged copyright Infringement by consumers, in what amount to a free-for-all over economic rents.The clash between he firm and their consumers has erupted in legal open warfare, with the Federal Trade Commission and courts finding the major firms guilty of overcharging consumers by nearly half a billion dollars in a scheme that maintain artificially high prices, and the industry suing hundreds of consumers for copy right In fringement according to Proof Peter J. Alexander in Market Structure of the Domestic Music Recording Industry.In 2003, The Business week online posted that, The Recording Association of America (ARIA the trade association for the music recording industry, issued hundreds of subpoenas aimed at individual consumers whom they alleged to e copyright violators. MARKET STRUCTURE Number of Firms The market structure of the music recording industry is made of five large international and integrated firms. These firms are Veined Universal, Sony Corporation, Time Warner, Mi Group and Bertelsmann GAG. These firms exhibit number of characteristics including dating back as far as the twentieth century.Also, with the exception of Time Warner, all the firms have been sold and bought many times. Additionally, each firm except MI Is part of a larger media with particular production, manufacturing and distribution. The largest among these firms is the Veined Universal Music which was created in 1998 from two major French firms, Polygraph and MAC. According to the Various Company Reports, represented by the table below, the Veined Universal Music is currently the largest music company in terms of market share and recorded music revenues.It owns the largest recorded music in the world, with over one million catalog of recorded music. Its operational activities include production, distribution and publishing of music as well as licensing of music copyrights. According to Proof Peter J. Alexander, in 2002, one out of very four compact disks sold worldwide was a Universal Music Group Product. Some of the Effendis other media holdings include Universal studios (motion picture), USA Networks (television) and Houghton Muffling (book publishing). Table 1. Worldwide Conglomerate Revenues of the Major Firms, 2002 Firm Total Worldwide Revenue billions) Veined Universal $57 Time Warner $18 MI Company Reports, 2002 | $60 Sony $41 Bertelsmann $0. 36 Source: Various Sony Corporation is a subsidiary of Japanese conglomerate and its operational activities include production of Sony compact disks, distribution of recorded music and also publishing music. Sony Corporation is a leading manufacturer of audio, video, communications, and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets.Its motion picture, television, computer entertainment, music and online businesses make Sony one of the most comprehensive entertainment and technology companies in the world. Other media of the Sony Corporation are the motion picture houses Columbia pictures and Trim-Star pictures. According to Andrew Herman, Sony Corporation became presence in the music record when it bought CBS in 1988. Bertelsmann is a German multi media corporation founded in 1835, based in Gutturals Germany. It is the second largest global media conglomerate measured in terms of total revenue.Bertelsmann media holdings include books and magazine publishing, producing, manufacturing, and distribution of recorded music. It is also a major European television and radio broadcaster and content producer. Bertelsmann bought RCA in 1985, and that increased their interest in becoming a major presence in the music industry. Time Warner is a US based conglomerate and it is the second largest cable provider in the USA. It produces, manufactures, publishes and distributes recorded music. Time Warner also controls the publishing rights of over one million music titles.Other media holding include Warner Brother (motion pictures), WEB Network (television), HOBO (television), Time Life (magazine) and Warner Books. MI is a British conglomerate which also produces, manufactures, distributes and publishes recorded music. It is the second largest music publisher and comprises more than one hundred music label. The MI Group also has a major publishing arm, MI Music Publishing also based in London with offices globally. It is the least diversified among the other firms. According to Pro J Peterson, recently, four of these giant firms have been in negotiation to merge their recording business).In early 2004 Time Warner sold its Warner Music subsidiary to a new set of owners led by the Canadian Frogman interests. Combinations between any of these firms would have led to more concentration in that field. Barriers of Entry raisers to entry in the record industry are generally regarded as low. A number of independents have entered the market successfully over the last ten years. A number of artists signed to independent labels have featured in the singles and album charts. The Top 40 singles charts gained 540 new entrants in the year ending September 1993, 84 of which were from independents.The Top 40 album charts gained 272 new entries over the same period, 42 of which were from independents according to the British report on recorded music. A small independent record company has few sunk costs since recording, manufacturing, distribution and marketing can all be contracted out to independent third parties. Many costs have come down in recent years. For example, recording equipment of reasonable quality can be purchased for a few hundred pounds, allowing initial recording to be done way from the studio. At the smallest end of the market a recording can be made in a home studio.The combination of rapidly changing consumer tastes and a pool of artistic talent in the I-J provides opportunities for independents. Independents can compete against the majors in the signing of new artists in a number of ways. An Independent may concentrate on a particular type of music and be better placed than a major to spot new talent and make contact with an artist. Artists may be more attracted to an independent that has a good reputation in their type of music than to ajar (that is, they might be perceived as having more street creed).There appears to be a pool of people with experience of the record business that is willing to set up record companies, for example ex-artists, producers, artists managers or ax-employees of the majors. The reputation of these people may be sufficient to attract new artists. The independents often develop links with the majors. For example, if a new artist is successful but the independent cannot market the artist overseas, the independent may come to an arrangement with a major under which he artists recordings are licensed to the major, the artist is signed by the major, or the major takes some financial interest in the independent.Whatever the particular arrangements, there are likely to be benefits for both parties. The majors are interested in sharing in the A;R successes of the independents, while for their part the independents gain funds for further A;R. The risks to the artist of signing with an independent are reduced if this exit route is available. The option of outright sale to a major is also open to an independent. The major may be attracted y the existing artist roster, the back catalogue, the personnel or the name of the label. The possibility of a profitable exit from the market is an incentive for a new entrant The table below shows entrance of new firms to the music industry since 1983 Source: British 1994 report on recorded music Shares of the Market According to the BBC worldviews. Com up to 90% of the global music market is accounted for by Just five corporations: MI Records, Sony, Veined Universal, Time operate in all of the major music markets in the world. Each of the corporations maintains their headquarters in the US, the largest of the worlds markets.Of the Big Five, Veined Universal is the largest, with 29% of the market share and Unholy owned record operations or licensees in 63 countries. Its nearest rival is AOL rime Warner, with 15. 9% of the market share. Each of the corporations operates in a rarity of fields beyond recorded music, incorporating publishing, electronics and telecommunications, thus extending their influence to cover more markets within the global entertainment industry. In achieving their dominance in music sales, the Big Five each own a large portfolio of labels, from formerly independent labels to large regional operators in different oratories.The biggest exception to their domination of the market is in India, where the large film music market has so far defied these corporations. Africa has also proved to be a difficult market for the American-owned corporations, largely because the economic situation outside South Africa means a lack of profitable markets. In South Africa, Gallo Records is one of the biggest record labels, not only because of its representation of African music, but also from being exclusive licensee for Warner Music International. Ere Big Five are not always in competition with each other, and it is in their best tersest to act together at times.MI is the sole licensee of BMW material in Greece. A press material in May 2002 stressed that the deal would work well for both companies, with MI licensing some important internatio nal artists, and Bums Greek artists being looked after by a company with a much bigger local presence. Co- operation and partnerships, then, can yield not only greater profits, but maintain their status as corporate giants. Many well-known smaller labels are in fact owned by one of the Big Five companies. Nile labels are often started by entrepreneurs, the dominance of the major labels sakes large scale success difficult for these firms.And should they achieve a high degree of success, they excite to the predatory instincts of the large corporations. This gives the major labels a wider ranging repertoire in different geographical markets and musical genres. Juju Nile small labels will continue to exist, they become increasingly unable to grow Introit becoming part of one of the Big Five companies. This pattern looks set to continue into the future as the larger companies continue their strategy of acquisition, and potentially merge amongst themselves in an attempt to dominate the market even further.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
or Undermine Reasoning As A Way Of Knowing.
e ·mo ·tion ( -m sh n) n. 1. A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling: the emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love. 2. A state of mental agitation or disturbance: spoke unsteadily in a voice that betrayed his emotion. 3. The part of the consciousness that involves feeling; sensibility: â€Å"The very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect†(Isaac Bashevis Singer) rea ·son (r z n) n. 1. The basis or motive for an action, decision, or conviction. 2. A declaration made to explain or justify action, decision, or conviction: inquired about her reason for leaving. 3. An underlying fact or cause that provides logical sense for a premise or occurrence: There is reason to believe that the accused did not commit this crime. 4. The capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought; intelligence. 5. Good judgment; sound sense. 6. A normal mental state; sanity: He has lost his reason. 7. Logic. A premise, usually the minor premise, of an argument.1 rea ·son ·ing (r z -n ng) n. 1. Use of reason, especially to form conclusions, inferences, or judgments. 2. Evidence or arguments used in thinking or argumentation.1 From the definitions provided, we can see that in this dictionary reason is defined as being synonymous with logic, and emotion with spontaneity. Logic is normally connected with conscious thought and premeditation, and emotion with instinct and reflex. You cannot plan what you feel, but you can plan what you will learn. Take, for example, the idea of scientific objectivity. Scientists carrying out experiments try to put their emotions and predispositions to one side, so as to not negate the objectivity of the experiment. Ideally, an experiment should be carried out in the pursuit of pure fact, and emotions would turn that pure fact into personal interpr... or Undermine Reasoning As A Way Of Knowing. Free Essays on Evaluate The Ways In Which Emotion Might Enhance And/or Undermine Reasoning As A Way Of Knowing. e ·mo ·tion ( -m sh n) n. 1. A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling: the emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love. 2. A state of mental agitation or disturbance: spoke unsteadily in a voice that betrayed his emotion. 3. The part of the consciousness that involves feeling; sensibility: â€Å"The very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect†(Isaac Bashevis Singer) rea ·son (r z n) n. 1. The basis or motive for an action, decision, or conviction. 2. A declaration made to explain or justify action, decision, or conviction: inquired about her reason for leaving. 3. An underlying fact or cause that provides logical sense for a premise or occurrence: There is reason to believe that the accused did not commit this crime. 4. The capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought; intelligence. 5. Good judgment; sound sense. 6. A normal mental state; sanity: He has lost his reason. 7. Logic. A premise, usually the minor premise, of an argument.1 rea ·son ·ing (r z -n ng) n. 1. Use of reason, especially to form conclusions, inferences, or judgments. 2. Evidence or arguments used in thinking or argumentation.1 From the definitions provided, we can see that in this dictionary reason is defined as being synonymous with logic, and emotion with spontaneity. Logic is normally connected with conscious thought and premeditation, and emotion with instinct and reflex. You cannot plan what you feel, but you can plan what you will learn. Take, for example, the idea of scientific objectivity. Scientists carrying out experiments try to put their emotions and predispositions to one side, so as to not negate the objectivity of the experiment. Ideally, an experiment should be carried out in the pursuit of pure fact, and emotions would turn that pure fact into personal interpr...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Use Attribution Correctly as a Reporter
How to Use Attribution Correctly as a Reporter Attribution simply means telling your readers where the information in your story comes from, as well as who is being quoted. Generally, attribution means using a source’s full name and job title if thats relevant. Information from sources can be paraphrased or quoted directly, but in both cases, it should be attributed. Attribution Style Keep in mind that on-the-record attribution - meaning a sources full name and job title are given - should be used whenever possible. On-the-record attribution is inherently more credible than any other type of attribution for the simple reason that the ​source has put their name on the line with the information theyve provided. But there are some cases where a source might not be willing to give full on-the-record attribution. Lets say youre an investigative reporter looking into allegations of corruption in city government. You have a source in the mayors office who is willing to give you information, but hes worried about repercussions if his name is revealed. In that case, you as the reporter would talk to this source about what kind of attribution he is willing to commit to. You are compromising on full on-the-record attribution because the story is worth getting for the public good. Here are some examples of different kinds of attribution. Source – Paraphrase Jeb Jones, a resident of the trailer park, said the sound of the tornado was terrifying. Source – Direct Quote â€Å"It sounded like a giant locomotive train coming through. I’ve never heard anything like it,†said Jeb Jones, who lives in the trailer park. Reporters often use both paraphrases and direct quotes from a source. Direct quotes provide immediacy and a more connected, human element to the story. They tend to draw the reader in. Source – Paraphrase and Quote Jeb Jones, a resident of the trailer park, said the sound of the tornado was terrifying. â€Å"It sounded like a giant locomotive train coming through. I’ve never heard anything like it,†Jones said. (Notice that in Associated Press style, a source’s full name is used on the first reference, then just the last name on all subsequent references. If your source has a specific title or rank, use the title before his full name on the first reference, then just the last name after that.) When to Attribute Any time the information in your story comes from a source and not from your own firsthand observations or knowledge, it must be attributed. A good rule of thumb is to attribute once per paragraph if you are telling the story mainly through comments from an interview or eyewitnesses to an event. It might seem repetitive, but it’s important for reporters to be clear about where their information originates. Example: The suspect escaped from the police van on Broad Street, and officers captured him about a block away on Market Street, said Lt. Jim Calvin. Different Types of Attribution In his book News Reporting and Writing, journalism professor Melvin Mencher outlines four distinct types of attribution: 1. On the record: All statements are directly quotable and attributable, by name and title, to the person making the statement. This is the most valuable type of attribution. Example: The U.S. has no plans to invade Iran, said White House press secretary Jim Smith. 2. On Background: All statements are directly quotable but cant be attributed by name or specific title to the person commenting. Example: The U.S. has no plans to invade Iran, a White House spokesman said. 3. On Deep Background: Anything that is said in the interview is usable but not in a direct quotation and not for attribution. The reporter writes it in his own words. Example: Invading Iran is not in the cards for the U.S. 4. Off the Record: Information is for the reporters use only and is not to be published. The information also is not to be taken to another source in hopes of getting confirmation. You probably don’t need to get into all of Mencher’s categories when you’re interviewing a source. But you should clearly establish how the information your source gives you can be attributed.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Toyota recall is not safe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Toyota recall is not safe - Essay Example One of these companies is Toyota Motor Corporation, commonly known as Toyota. This is a multinational corporation with its headquarters in Japan. Toyota has factories in most parts of the world which makes it one of the world’s largest automaker (Toyota, 2010). The cars manufactured by Toyota were considered the best until the series of accidents that were caused by the cars’ design. Some say that the issue was not very serious and it was unnecessarily amplified by its competitors over the media. Very recently, several vehicles faced the problem of the accelerator pedal getting stuck which caused unintended acceleration and hence many accidents. As a corrective measure, Toyota has decided to recall its sold cars and fix them (Reed, P., 2010). According to a source, by January 28, 2010, Toyota had announced recalls of about 5.2 million cars for the pedal entrapment/floor mat problem, and an additional 2.3 million cars for the accelerator pedal problem. Out of these, almost 1.7 million cars have both these problems (Toyota Press Release, 2010). In addition to this, it cut down on its production to a great extent as well. Other companies that have faced the same problems include Honda, Ford, etc. However, the problem faced by these org anizations did not affect their image and financial condition at the same scale as Toyota. Now when we talk about this incident and Toyota’s reaction of recalling the cars that were potentially damaged, people often take two different sides. Some say that the Toyota recall was a good idea while some disagree. It is very important that all aspects of this issue are discussed so that we can understand the strategy better from all angles. Therefore, in this paper, we will discuss both sides of the argument in the coming paragraphs, firstly discussing the arguments for the Toyota recall. The Toyota recall is believed to be the best thing for everyone. We noted in the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Core Competence of the Corporation Assignment
The Core Competence of the Corporation - Assignment Example Definition: Core competency: Core competency is what a company does well (a company’s strength), that differentiates it from other similar business establishments. M. Tampoe describes core competence as management subsystems which incorporate processes, diverse technologies, resources and knowledge to distribute services and products which would reap unique and sustainable benefits and also add worth to an organization. Introduction: The idea of "core competencies" in the organization is one of the most significant business shaping ideas in the present business world. This is one of the key thoughts that lie behind the present wave of outsourcing, as companies concentrate their attempts in key strong (work) areas and outsource as much as they can of everything else. The opening point for understanding core competencies of an organization lies in understanding that a business in order to acquire good position in the market requires having something that consumers uniquely value . The most powerful method to succeed worldwide competition is still unseen to many of the business establishments. Here the study talks about the core competencies of the corporation Boom-Bust Construction Ltd. ... The following case study talks about the Boom-Bust Construction Ltd (BBLC). First of all, to understand how to build up core competencies; it is advisable to understand what is and in not a core competency? According to Prahalad, core competencies are not necessary on the subject of: outspending competitors on Research &Development, sharing expenses between business units and amalgamating vertically. At the same time as the construction of core competencies may be helped by some of these proceedings by themselves, they remain inadequate. What is the topic about? The following study makes an attempt to critically review the article about the core competencies of the corporation (by C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel) and application of core competency ethos in business industry. The following case study talks about Boom-Bust Construction Ltd (BBLC), it is a large family building organization owned by Jed Boom. As per C.K. Prahalad, the application of core competency in BBLC might help to de velop various new opportunities. Core competencies are inclined to be rooted in the capability to coordinate and incorporate various groups in the company. At the same time as an organization may be capable to hire a group of brilliant scientists with a particular skill, in doing so it does not itself become competent in that skill. But the efficient coordination between every group involved in bringing an invention to the market, can be taken as a core competency of the company (Core competency suggestions by P.J.H Shoemaker, S.T. Walsh & J.D. Linton, M. Tampoe and D.C.Band & G. Scanlan). Criticisms: The idea of core competencies was started by C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel in the year 1990 as a part of management literature. The two main
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Draft Letter Going to War in Vietnam Essay Example for Free
Draft Letter Going to War in Vietnam Essay It was a very hot and humid day. I will never forget that awful day. I just had gotten home from work; the traffic that day was horrible. The mail was in top of my dining room table, and there it was on top of all the mail, the only thing o saw on the envelope was draft and I was the addressee. My reaction was â€Å"Oh My God†, my heart was pounding very heart it felt like it was about to jump out of my chest, my ears were burning. All I could think was that we are told that we are helping people and fighting for our freedom. Instead innocent people are being killed; I have lost most of my freedom. What options do I have, leave the country, or hide for the rest of your life. Or go to war not only means serving your country, but helping people along the way. What were my advantages or disadvantages? None of those options were good, at that point I was in shock, and I just could not believe that this was happening to me, till this day I do not remember ever opening that letter. The advantage I saw was, if I went to war the money I will be getting. With that money I could help my family, have a better future, and it can help me open a lot of doors. The disadvantage is that I can get killed, injured, my family would be devastated, but at the same time they would feel proud. To some, including me the Vietnam War was a crime, an attempt by the United States to suppress a heroic Vietnamese national liberation movement that had driven French colonialism out of its country. To others, the Vietnam War was a forfeit, a just war needlessly lost by timid policymakers and a biased media. For many including myself, the Vietnam War was a tragic mistake brought about by U.S. leaders who exaggerated the influence of communism and underestimated the power of nationalism. Another advantage would be that I would come back as a hero, either alive or in a box. I will still be considered a hero, that is, if I live in a community that is very patriotic. But in my case I do not live in a community like that. The disadvantage would be that my community would not even know that I have gone to war. All I could think was that the draft discriminated against the poor, the less educated and ethnic minorities. Many of us were drafted into the Army against our will nearly all of us are kept in its grasp against our will all in order to carry out this illegal, immoral, and unjust war. We are forced to fight and die in a war we did not create and in which we don’t believe. There are advantages and disadvantages in every war that can either be minute details or change the whole course of war. I would go to war even knowing that I may get killed, injured. Morally is the right thing to do. As a citizen we have a duty to this country whether or not we believe in the cause of war. Initially, people going to Vietnam bought the domino theory. They willingly went because they were defending freedom and democracy and the American way, those who were sent to Vietnam knew that they did not have the support of the American people, knew that they were there in support of a failed policy, and knew that they were not defending freedom or democracy, but were pawns in an ongoing political struggle. My conclusion after writing this is that never think for a moment that you are the only one side that is suffering you might be physically safe from the effects of war. But war is an insidious enemy and all the more damaging when it is implications reach you, others through a dead and suffering.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Importance of Inclusive Education in Australia Essay -- Special Ed
As a child It was constantly stated to me by my family and teachers â€Å"If everyone was the same, what a boring place the world would be†a famous quote by an unknown author about celebrating individual differences. Difference is defined by Ashman and Elkins; as varying levels of social, emotional, physical and intellectual qualities that make us all different from other people (Ashman & Elkins, 2009). In today’s world this is viewed as society’s version of normality (Ashman & Elkins, 2009). Inclusion involves the incorporation of all types of differences into a mainstream classroom (Ashman & Elkins, 2009). It is unfortunate that even in the 21st century that the policies and legislations related to inclusive education are different between all the different states and territories of Australia as well as between the public and private school systems. These current differences in policies in legislation between the states and different school structures in my opinion don’t encourage the students’ with diverse needs. As a nation Australian authorities do promote and encourage inclusion into their mainstream classrooms (Campbell, Gilmore & Cuskelly, 2003). But this promotion cannot and does not ensure that this as a policy will be accepted by all individual classroom teachers (Campbell, Gilmore & Cuskelly, 2003). As a whole teachers with bad attitudes towards inclusion impact their own views onto their pupils and onto their students general level of educational outcome (Campbell, Gilmore & Cuskelly, 2003). As time moves forward more and more schools are becoming involved with the idea of inclusive education (Ashman & Elkins, 2009). One of the negatives or variations as seen by a school with inclusion is that if the child has high... ...ther diverse the new generations will become. Works Cited Ashman, A & Elkins, J. (2009). Education for Inclusion and Diversity (3rd ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia. Campbell, J., Gilmore, L., & Cuskelly, M. (2003). Changing student teachers’ attitudes towards disability and inclusion. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 28, 369-379. Carpenter, L. (2010, March 4). Developing an Inclusive Curriculum 4030EPS. Lecture presented for the Griffith Education Lectures in Inclusive Curriculum, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD. Lachlan, F., & Boyle, C. (2007). Labels and Special Education: Is the use of labels in special education helpful?. Support for Learning, 22, 36-42. Queensland Government. (2005). Inclusive Education Statement (Reference Information paper ). Queensland Government Department of Education.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Pros and Cons of Ethical Theories
Ethical Theories- Pros and Cons Katherine Bryson ETH/316 October 15, 2012 Mark Cobia Ethical Theories- Pros and Cons The similarities between the virtue theory, the utilitarianism theory and deontological theory are that they all support good and responsibility. Virtue theory not only concentrates on how an individual acts but also what a person should strive to be, for example a religious figure may personify perfection when in the public when they really should strive for that perfection at all times. The deontological theory states that people â€Å"have a moral obligation to follow certain principles. I liken this to the Ten Commandments, rules or principles that we all are expected to follow. â€Å"The utilitarian theories, as supported by John Stuart Mill, call for generating the greatest aggregate good for the greatest number of people. One major benefit of such theories is that they take consequences into account. They seek specifically to promote the human good as a whole. They also provide guidance for behavior, enabling people to know what qualifies as the moral choice. †I will again use the religious area as an example because to me this is what the religious leaders do.They preach to the multitudes to be good and do good and they also offer guidance. The differences between virtue theory, utilitarian and decontological are that â€Å"virtue ethics cannot generate specific rules to guide behavior. †Under the utilitarian theory â€Å"only total human good or happiness matters. †Deontological theories â€Å"do not always clarify how to rank duties. †I lived in a very small community where everyone knew everyone and we all thought we were living the life of good moral standards and values, until one day I saw a very prominent member of the community, enter an establishment that everyone knew was a hangout for drug users.This person was there for a long time and when they came out you could tell they were under the influ ence. Now according to the deontology theory it was my obligation to report this person to the proper authorities, but I fell short because it meant the demise of a family.References Ridley, Aaron. 1998. Beginning Bioethics. New York: St. Martin’s Press http://www. bio. davidson. edu/people/kabernd/Indep/carainbow/Theories. htm http://www. ehow. com/info_8404891_pros-cons-ethical-theories. html
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Poetry Explication Essay
Sir Walter Raleigh (1552-1618) was called a â€Å"silver poet of his time because of the way he did not conform to the poet writing style of the Renaissance era. He became fairly popular with Queen Elizabeth I and was knighted in 1585. But he fell out of her good graces when he secretly married ladies without her permission. The queen locked him in the Tower of London for some time, and while he was locked up he was writing poetry. He was ultimately arrested and executed in 1618 to appease the Spanish government for some ransacking that his men did on one of their voyages through America. His works are everything from plain to somber and that is one of the main things that made him a great poet. The Nymph’s Reply â€Å"The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd†by Sir Walter Raleigh has many themes and interpretations. The poem describes love and time, but the most important thing that I think it describes is â€Å"Carpe Diem†or seizing the day. The poem is a response to Christopher Marlowe’s â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love†. Marlowe’s poem describes a shepherd trying to win over the one he loves by promising her all of these earthly things, but Raleigh’s poem is the woman seemingly denying the shepherd’s advances and saying that all of the earthly things that he promised will all eventually pass away and be forgotten. The Nymph says that the only way we can be together is if youth lasted forever and their passionate love knew no time. I believe that the theme of this poem is carpe diem and the poetic elements that support that are alliteration, visual imagery, and situational irony. The first element that helps describes Carpe Diem is in the poem is alliteration. Raleigh’s use of alliteration really helps get his points across to the reader and helps the transactions be smoother. Like in the line, â€Å"These pretty pleasures might me move†(1224), Raleigh uses alliteration to almost mock the shepherd’s advances on the nymph. And also in the line, â€Å"Time drives the flocks from field to fold†(1224), Raleigh uses alliteration to help to say that time changes everything. That is the reason why alliteration supports the theme of Carpe Diem. The only way the Nymph will accept the shepherd’s love is if they forever live in the present where they are young and passionate. The nymph does not want earthly things that will wither or sour throughout time, but rather she wants things to be eternal and stay fresh. These examples are a perfect form of Carpe Diem, and that is why alliteration helps get the main point across to the reader. The next poetic element that helps represent Carpe Diem in the poem is the imagery, more specifically the visual imagery. Raleigh uses imagery to help support Carpe Diem by showing the disadvantages of time. He shows the readers how moods change with the seasons, flowers will wither, and things grow old all through imagery. Like in the lines, â€Å"Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies Soon break, soon wither, soon forgotten†(1224-1225), Raleigh helps the reader see the flowers withering through time. He even does so well as to put images in the reader’s mind of things fading away and being forgotten. When Raleigh uses imagery to diminish time he is also using it to uplift Carpe Diem at the same time. And that is how imagery helps support the theme of Carpe Diem. The final poetic element that helps support the theme of Carpe Diem is irony. And the specific irony used in the poem is situational irony. The sense of helplessness by the shepherd is apparent throughout the poem. The shepherd has to listen to the nymph deny all the things he promised her, and tell him that the only way that they can be together forever is if they can stay young forever. This is why it is situational irony because there is nothing the shepherd can do so that he and the nymph can live young forever. The best he can give her is Carpe Diem and try to live in the now while the passion is still fresh, but ultimately they could never be together forever. This sense of situational irony is why it is a perfect example of Carpe Diem. In conclusion the poem itself really displayed strong cultural values of its time period. It showed that during the time of romanticism Carpe Diem was a big thing back then. It was a great poem with many key points and I enjoyed reading it.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
My Childhood Nightmare
My Childhood Nightmare ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ My nightmare followed a series of events in my life from the age of about five when I was old enough to understand things. My twin brother Bernard was born with a heart defect that required major surgery. His condition was so acute that the doctors told the family he would only live for four years after the diagnosis. However, with the encouragement and support offered by the family, Bernard fought his condition bravely until the age of twenty when he finally gave up the fight.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ It was around midnight in summer when Bernard lost the battle. I remember lying on top of my bed that night, unable to sleep, just thinking of Bernard in hos pital following his second major operation. Everything was quiet; all you could hear was the sound of hungry foxes in the nearby bushes searching for food, dogs barking in the neighborhood. I gazed from one corner of the room to another as my mind wandered as to whether the operation was going to save Bernard's life.Following the operation early that afternoon, Bernard's condition deteriorated. He was on a life support machine and his chances of survival were very slim. The telephone rang shortly after midnight and I rushed to pick it up. It was the hospital informing us that Bernard had passed away.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ Two days later, Bernard was put to rest. Traditionally, as a twin, I had to undergo some customary practices. This is a tradition practiced among twins when one dies. There is a myth behind this that non performance of this ritual has adverse mental, emotional and socia l effect on the remaining twin. It is believed that the spirit of the deceased will live in the living twin's body, which in turn hinders the living twin's control of his/her life. This...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Hybrid Publishers What are they and should you TRUST them
Hybrid Publishers What are they and should you TRUST them Hybrid Publishers: What are they and should you TRUST them? Hybrid publishers are still a bit of a mystery to many authors. The term â€Å"hybrid†may mean different things to different people. To some, it's interchangeable with vanity publishing - which is understandable, as they both require the author to take some financial risk in order to get the book to market. Before an author chooses to embrace or avoid this model of publishing, a lot of questions need to be asked.In this post, we’ll aim to cut through the noise and answer the most burning questions surrounding hybrid publishing. What are hybrid publishers? We have the answer! What are hybrid publishers?As the name hints, a hybrid publisher combines elements of traditional publishing and self-publishing. In most aspects, they function just like a traditional publisher, with the key exception that their authors will subsidize the cost of publishing and will not be given an advance on royalties.Just like traditional presses, hybrid publishers tend to have editorial, design, and marketing teams. The idea behind hybrid presses is to give a traditional-style publishing option to authors who cannot (or prefer not to) work with a traditional publisher. Self-publishing is not for everyone. If you’re a writer whose only interest is to write books, then you might want someone else to handle the editorial, design, and marketing work. If this is something you’re willing to pay for, then this might be the right choice for you.Three reasons to avoid hybrid publishing1. The publisher might struggle with marketing and salesA hybrid publisher’s editorial and design departments might have incredible standards - and be able to deliver a great product - but without the marketing might of a larger company, they will likely struggle to secure publicity and get your book placed into the right stores.2. The author assumes a fair amount of financial riskAt the end of the day, the author is going to be footing a significant portion of the publishing bill. And in exchange, they will have to trust that the hybrid press is doing what’s best for their book. If it all doesn’t go to plan, and the book doesn’t sel l, then the author has very little recourse to recover their investment.3. Another route might be more appropriateIf the book you’re writing has great commercial potential, you might be better off looking to secure an agent who will pitch it to traditional publishers. Similarly, you might find that self-publishing offers the same perks and more: you can still work with professional editors and designers, and you’ll get an even bigger cut of the royalties. If you’re willing to learn about the basics of book marketing (and put them into action), you might find that you can reach a wider audience than if you leave it all to a hybrid publisher’s marketing department.If you want to learn more about self-publishing a book, take a quick look through our guide.Have you worked with a hybrid publisher? Or do you have any questions about them? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
True Grit Themes and Film Elements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
True Grit Themes and Film Elements - Essay Example She asks the Sheriff if she can hire a Deputy U.S. Marshal to track down Chaney and bring him to justice. The Sheriff recommends three of them and Mattie chooses to hire Rooster Cogburn. Mattie’s first conversation with Cogburn occurs when he is in a toilet out of a saloon. Mattie waits for him to come out but he takes too long. This is to show that Cogburn drinks a lot and is sort of nonchalant of what goes on in the world. Until the first appearance of Cogburn, the camera focuses a lot on Mattie. She has been shot from low angles and when three criminals are hanged in the beginning, the camera follows Mattie in a way that makes her presence prominent. This shows that Mattie is a very important character in the movie. Cogburn’s first appearance in the movie is like that of a title or a very important character. He is called as a witness in a courtroom and everybody is listening to his testimony very carefully. He explains to the court that his fellows and he had tried to talk about the situation with the Wharton boys who had allegedly murdered an old man and a woman for some money. He explains that they tried â€Å"to talk some sense into him†but they chose to attack his group and Cogburn had to shot them and their father to save his life. Also, when asked about how many men he has shot in his 4 year career as a Deputy U.S. Marshal, he says that he has â€Å"never shot anybody he didn’t have to.†In this scene, a whole new opinion can be formed about Cogburn which is quite different from him being a drunkard. It can be easily construed that Cogburn is man of good judgment and reason who is not afraid to use violence when it is necessary. When Mattie has first real and face to face meeting with Cogburn, she says to him she has heard that he is â€Å"a man with true grit.†From this statement, it seems that Cogburn is the central character but he shares it with Mattie. He refuses to believe that Mattie would be able to pay the reward of $50 that she offers to him for the capture of Tom Chaney. However, when Mattie raises the money by horse-trading with Colonel Stonehill, she is able to convince Cogburn to pursue Tom Chaney. He agrees but has some qualms about Mattie accompanying him. Another very important development before Mattie successfully secures Cogburn’s services is the introduction of Texas Ranger LaBoeuf who is also after Chaney who has murdered a state senator in Texas. LaBeouf is a strong character in the movie and is noticeable how the camera follows him when he is talking to Mattie as she wakes up. When he stands up from his chair, the camera shows his boots and the spurs on his boots are prominent. Although he tells himself after a little while that he is a Texas Ranger, the focus on his shoes and the guessing eyes of Mattie at the same time show that he is an accomplished individual. He is beyond his jurisdiction but he is pursuing Chaney for a big reward that is offered for Chaney in Texas. His entrance into the movie is also like that of a very important character. He is shot from a low angle when he looks at Mattie when she is going inside to spend the night. He tells Mattie of her business and offers to join forces with Cogburn in pursuit of Chaney as Cogburn knows the area very well and LaBoeuf knows hoe habits and reactions of Chaney. Mattie proves to be very firm in her resolve and insists that she wants to see Chaney hang in Fort
Thursday, October 31, 2019
DUI Task Force Experiment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
DUI Task Force Experiment - Essay Example The Following is a research study to compare the effectiveness of specialized training with that of unspecialized training in improving the efficiency in which the 12 units of the DUI task force prevent DUI related offenses. The researcher tests the management skills of 12 specialized officers, and that of 12 unspecialized officers. He thereafter randomly assigns them to two groups of 12 people each. One group consists of specialized trained officers, and the other group consists of unspecialized officers. In this case, the control group will be unspecialized officers, while the treated group is the specialized officers. In conducting the research, the following methods of data collection will be used. This involves perusing through the records of various officers under experimentation, to find out their efficiency in conducting their duties. This will also involve a look at the tickets issued during the last six months, of the year 2012. This will help in ascertaining the natures of DUI offenses that were common, and how efficient the officers under experimentation managed to reduce them (Dunning, 2012). 1) There is a risk of one group imitating the experiences of another group under comparison. This takes place when for instance the control group, which comprises of unspecialized officers, learns about the program, and tries to imitate the results that come from the treated group. This imitation can affect the posttest performance of the unspecialized officers who fall within the control group. The effect of this is that it will not produce an accurate result of the experiment. 2) Another threat to the internal validity of the program is rivalry among the treated group and control group in relation to compensation. This occurs when there are differences in compensatory packages amongst the control and treated groups. For instance, the unspecialized officers might see the specialized treatment that the specialized
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Management Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Management Report - Essay Example Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 1.0Overview 4 2.0 Analysis of the Organisation’s Business Environment 5 2.1 Porters Five Forces 5 2.2 Industry Life Cycle 7 2.3 Scale and Scope of Barclays Bank in India 8 2.4 The Key Reasons for Barclays’ Success 9 2.5 Evaluation of Sustainability 9 3. Analysis of the Organisation’s Strategy 10 3.1 Value Chain Analysis 10 3.2 Resources of Barclays Bank 12 3.3 Strategies Adopted by Barclays Bank 12 3.4 Competitive Stance of Barclays 13 4. Critical Appraisal of the Strategy 14 14 5. References 15 1.0 Overview Barclays Bank Plc (Barclays), which is an English bank, is one of the chief financial service providers globally. Barclays entered Indian Retail Banking sector through Global Retail Commercial Banking (GRCB) in the month of May, 2007. The doors of Barclays were opened to commercial customers in India in November 2006 and at present it has around 2000 clients. It provides a wide range of services to its clients such as loans, payments and cash management services, deposits, trade finance as well as treasury solutions. In the present scenario, Barclays Corporate has a set-up of around 50 distribution points. In March 2008, Barclays Finance was launched (Sakariya & Paliwal, 2010). Therefore, in this context, the report endeavours to analyse the business environment of organisation in which key success and sustainability factors of the Bank is explored. The strategy of the Barclays Bank has been analysed with the help of value chain analysis along with analysis of the competitive stance of the bank. In the concluding section, critical appraisal of the strategies has been presented. 2.0 Analysis of the Organisation’s Business Environment 2.1 Porters Five Forces Entry Barriers (High): In the emerging markets such as India, multifarious decisions such as interests on loans, deposits as well as money supply are regulated by Reserve Bank of India. Reserve Bank in India had decided to provide licenses to a few numbers of foreign or new banks in India (RBI, 2010). These entry barriers prevent the entry of any foreign bank in India. A lot of control has to be kept on loan lending, the number of branches which are to be operated in the market and deposit taking. Since the people are likely to invest in the public or governmental sector banks instead of private banks for the purpose of the safety deposits the brand identity for Barclays in not well-known. Also because of the restrictions imposed on the number of branches, rural area people would stay untouched. As far as product differentiation is concerned the strategy of Barclays Bank works for the corporate or urban customers. Barclays Bank’s services which are efficient and quick enable them to attract a lot of customers. Rivalry among Existing Competitors (High): The competitors include private as well as public banks along with microfinance institutions located in rural areas. Acquiring most important stakes in Absa provides Barclays easy access in an untouched market which also helps them in brand visibility (Barclays Bank PLC, 2010). Bargaining Power of Suppliers (Medium): The customers, parent company and other funding sources are the suppliers of the bank from whom the bank can increase funds. In the market, the customers have a high bargaining power. Barclaycard provides an attracting scheme to their customers which in turn help them to get large funds that are important for
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Corporate Policy of Starbucks Coffee
Corporate Policy of Starbucks Coffee Starbucks Corporation is a multinational corporation based in the United States and is the most famous and largest coffeehouse company in the world. It boasts of 15,000 stores in 45 countries. Starbucks specializes in coffee in all its forms: brewed, espresso, served hot or cold along with other related snacks and raw coffee beans. This conglomerate started in 1985 as a coffee bean roaster and retailer in Seattle, Washington where it still holds its corporate offices. From the 1900s up to now, a new store is opened every day. As of the last quarter of 2007, Starbucks owns 8,505 stores around the world, and 6,500 stores are franchised. As of last quarter of 2007, Starbucks reported a gross profit of $1.5 billion and a net income of $208 million. According to the financial report for Starbucks that is published in the web, Revenue and earnings have grown at roughly 25% annually for the past five years, and should continue at an above-average rate given Starbucks competitive position an d already proven record. Management is expecting 18% top-line annual growth and 20-22% in the bottom-line for the next several years. Domestic same-store sales have been stabilizing at around 4%, with transactions accounting for 1%. Internationally, same-store sales increased 7% for Q3 driven by 5% transaction growth. International comparable sales growth has been north of 5% every quarter. It would be wise to invest in shares of stock for Starbucks since it can be seen in their financial statements that since they have expanded their operations, there is a steady increase of revenues and profits. Starbucks have produced a more than average sales and earnings growth in the past years. The companys very impressive earnings growth projections are a good indicator to go ahead and invest. Starbucks still focuses on their expansion ventures across the United States and abroad in the companys owned stores and the franchises. Majority if not all exhibited a solid financial performance. The increase of revenue is caused by the opening of more and more stores across the globe to accomplish its vision to establish the most respected brand in coffeehouses. With 1,288 new stores in 2007 and a planned 2,400 more in the next months, revenues and sales would surely shoot up higher. According to the Starbucks Quarterly Report (Mary 2007), Global comparable store sales for Company-operated markets increased by 4% for the 13-week period ended April 1, 2007, and increased 5% over the first half of fiscal 2007. Comparable store sales growth for fiscal 2007 is expected to be in the target range of 3% to 7%. The Company purchased a 90% stake in its previously-licensed operations in Beijing and Tianjin, China. Starbucks in the United Kingdom It was in May 1998 that Starbucks gained foothold in the coffee shop market in Europe by acquiring 65 Seattle Coffee Company establishment in the United Kingdom. Starbucks and Seattle Coffee shared the same culture that centers on the desire to customize coffee. Moreover, they also have almost the same company values of respecting people and the environment. In the UK, the Starbucks store designs and ambiences are meant to be cozy and intimate, at the same giving its coffee drinkers a personal area to stay anytime. Tables, chairs, sofas, armchairs, and stools are specifically designed to make every customer feel important. Anyone who wants serenity apart from the home and solace after the chaos of office work can relax and stay deep in a book or magazine. Some even bring their work along and meet friends and prospects in Starbucks stores. Exclusive Starbucks music is made available in all its coffee shops around the world. In the UK, the head office and support center of Starbucks is located in Chiswick in South West London. Starbucks Losing in the United Kingdom Costa Coffee is giving Starbucks a hard time in the UK. According to financial sources,  £10 million have been lost by Starbucks since 2009. The figure show a loss before taxes of over  £9 million for one year in the middle of this year compared to only  £2 million in 2009. This poor performance emphasizes the concerns of CEO Howard Schultz last year when he made an evaluation of the UK economy. He himself gave the reason for the companys bad financial showing in the UK: unemployment, mortgage crisis, and low consumer confidence. Value Chain Starbucks is synonymous to coffee. They are present in 41 countries except in Africa. Its mission statement: Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow. Starbucks created a niche in the coffee culture. It has penetrated markets that are not coffee connoisseurs. Schultz envisioned coffee consciousness in his customers hoping that coffee drinkers would take coffee seriously as wine connoisseurs take fine wine. It developed unique coffee taste experiences through coffee blend concept which traditionally is a method done to mask off flavors contributed by mediocre to atrocious beans and to save money. The coffee brand which has penetrated the world sans few places, aimed to deliver high quality and consistent products to keep customers. To achieve this consistency, Starbucks entry to other markets was in the form of licensing its brand and the technology it has developed through the years. This encompasses all areas in the operation of a coffee shop. Several international coffee shops like Brazilian Coffee Shops, House of Coffees, Seattle Coffee Shops have penetrated many countries through franchising. However, Starbucks opted to licensing agreements for store locations in areas where it did not have the capacity to put up its own outlets. This is handled by Starbucks Coffee International (SCI). It has opened stores in Japan, Singapore, Philippines, South Korea and Taiwan. It has opened its market also in Europe. Starbucks has yet to launch its coffee bars in an African country. Starbucks has become a byword in the global business. It has become an epitome of a corporation that has reached its zenith in corporate and service endeavors. Franchising styles and its marketing strategies merit the following of many other companies. It is sufficed to say that Starbucks has become one best examples of a corporation that has not only brewed up the world but created a good aroma for other businesses to emulate. Mission-Vision Statements In 1998, Starbucks announced its vision: 2000 stores in the year 2000. Its mission is to inspire and nurture the human spirit one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time. Its mission statement: Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow. According to the financial report for Starbucks that is published in the web, there is a significant increase in the revenue and earnings in the last five years of up to 25%. A prediction by economic analysts that this trend will continue at an advantageous rate if the competitive position of the company stays at par. It would be wise to invest in shares of stock for Starbucks since it can be seen in their financial statements that since they have expanded their operations, there is a steady increase of revenues and profits. Starbucks have produced a more than average sales and earnings growth in the past years. The companys very impressive ea rnings growth projections are a good indicator to go ahead and invest. Starbucks still focuses on their expansion ventures across the globe in the companys owned stores and the franchises. Majority if not all exhibited a solid financial performance (Michelli, 2007). Business Strategy The technology that Starbucks packaged includes real estate, store design, store planning and construction, product line, store ambiance, building a top management team, employee training, product supply, coffee roasting and its marketing strategies. It is called Starbuck System. All supplies will come from suppliers approved by Starbucks. These ensure control in all areas of the operation. Starbucks is an established business and its success in the domestic and global market can be derived from the socially responsible movement that they promote in their corporate behaviors. Business ethics has always been an integral part of Starbucks as management base their principles on the internal stakeholder issues like product quality, customer satisfaction, employee wages and benefits, and local community and environmental responsibilities. The leadership of Starbucks sees to it that all these responsibilities toward their internal stakeholders are taken care of since they are largely responsible for what Starbucks has achieved today. The internal stakeholders of Starbucks has created a collaboration that work closely with the executives and business units to fully incorporate the companys values into developing and implementing its positions on key legislative and public policy issues. Furthermore, it develops and maintains an extensive network of internal contact s (senior management, legal, marketing, category, QA, RD, regulatory, strategy and others) to align strategy, issues and business impact.  Among internal stakeholders, Starbucks sees to it that there is a uniform code of conduct to be followed in all its stores around the world. This is to make sure that the mission-vision of the company is upheld at all times. Internal stakeholders treat each other with professionalism as guided by these uniform codes of conduct. SWOT Analysis Strengths of Starbucks lies on their unique and chef-inspired menu and their market position which is remains in the top five, according to surveys. Unlike other big corporations and franchises, Starbucks has an enormous advertising budget that drives the business. Their comprehensive, award-winning training programs provide franchises and employees with the specific tools and skills that can be used for success in the competitive food industry. Weaknesses of Starbucks lie on some bad-for-the-business lawsuits on their franchising scheme. Another weakness would be the often criticized television advertisements and campaigns that seem to be intended to be funny and outrageous rather than sell their food. Another weakness could be their franchising scheme worldwide where they only allow one franchise holder for a particular country. For example, in China, only one franchise holder owns all the Starbucks stores there. This limits opportunities for other interested franchisers; thus, also limit the full expansion of Starbucks. Opportunities at Starbucks lie in their staff and crew to further develop and grow in their career at the company since a very comprehensive training and development is made available for store managers and staff. Threats come in the form of the existing competitions in the food industry. Problem Areas Advertising With a brand name such as Starbucks, who needs advertisement? Just very recently, Starbucks put on air their television advertisement. Critics say that it is too late for this since a company should start advertising (print and broadcast) when they need it most or when everything is iron hot. From a marketing perspective, this television ad came in late. Still, with a global brand that is popular enough that many think the name itself is enough advertisement, Starbucks do need advertisement. One just needs to look around and see how such immense and successful global brands can still be seen on billboards, television, and magazine. Starbucks advertising campaign continues from word of mouth especially. The logo is enough to persuade patrons and customers to partake of their products. Being the leading retailer and roaster of specialty coffee in the world, Starbucks has been criticized in the past for being very ambitious, expanding throughout the world at a fast speed. But Starbucks has been successful in making a name for itself in record time while achieving a 20% rise in earnings for 2008. Many articles came out written about how and why Starbucks decided to start a television advertisement when they do not really need one. Management of this conglomerate have their reasons and the prime one is in order to reach across or convince those who have not tried sipping their coffee while lounging in their free WI-FI zone stores to come and see for themselves the difference of being in a Starbucks shop. More reasons are obvious just like what their other competitors would say. For Starbucks, there is no such thing as being late nor is there a set time when to advertise or not. This new ad is not purported to sell but to remind and create more impact to their captured market. Competition In the United Kingdom, Starbucks major rival is Costa, followed by Caffe Nero. The UK coffee shop market is actually being slowly dominated by these three competing brands. Fierce competition aggravated into a bitter fight this year when Starbucks filed a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) that the Costa advertising campaign that says: Starbucks drinkers prefer Costa and Seven out of ten coffee lovers prefer Costa. However, ASA came with a decision that favored Costa, saying that all these claims by the latter were based on blind tasting tests. Coffee is the second largest imported product of the United States and specialty coffee market is approximated to be $11 billion a year in worth. To lure coffee drinkers (and other variants of coffee) from Starbucks, competitors of the same product line have come up with all sorts of gimmicks and come-ons as well trying to make a niche in the coffeehouse industry. In a report written by Georgia Flight (2006), the top five competitors of Starbucks show how each is different from the other and identify some salient points in their competitions with the leading brand. Founded in 1981, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters that originated from Vermont has used the slogan Be Green to portray the kind of coffee they serve. Starting as a small cafe, it has stuck to its use of organic roots and organic coffees. Keep Innovating is the slogan of Coffee Bean Tea Leaf which is headquartered in Los Angeles. It has 400 outlets. The company is famous for the wide choice of coffees and teas and its reputation preceded its brand for its innovation. Furthermore, it has established branches in places/countries where Starbucks is absent like Israel. Costa coffee was founded in 1971 in London. Even with Starbucks abounding in that city, Costa is a lead ahead in India where it has adapted its coffee flavors to suit Indian taste. Their strategy? Head East. Having 120 outlets in the country, Peets of California uses the strategy: Go Upscale. Java connoisseurs love the strength of the taste of its coffee. The special and complicated process of working on the coffee makes the taste unique. Caribou Coffee coffee business based in Minneapolis was founded in 1992. The strategy to Sell a Lifestyle features their cafes and stores in a mountain-lodge-style decoration including the chairs and a fireplace. They have made a deal with some airlines and some other fitness establishments. Starbucks has got itself many competitors, many of which got their inspiration from it. Since the product is a beverage that many would patronize, it is no wonder that Starbucks as well as other related businesses are rising. Marketing: Franchising: Expanding in Africa Putting up a Starbucks coffee bar in South Africa guarantees presence of Starbucks in almost all of the continents in the future. As a gateway to the African continent, the country is convenient path for businesses to expand in the area. Since the first national elections in 1994, government policies have been enacted to encourage foreign investments. Granting a license to a local company or close corporation to operate Starbucks stores in the country would benefit both parties. This would allow transfer of Starbucks System technology that would benefit the employment program of the government through its program Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act (BEE). The partnership of Starbucks and a local closed corporation can enjoy the economic incentives given to new foreign investments that are brought into the country. While there will plus and minuses for both the licensor and licensee, they will get benefits from the license agreement (Andover, 55.) However, because of different cultures, Starbucks will have to make adjustments in their marketing and strategies to achieve its growth. Several standards will have to be altered to accommodate the different palate and eating habits of the people. Whatever criteria in its service and product Starbucks has come up, changes have to be made to accommodate the new market. Starbucks has to consider also an important observation made by the franchise sector of South Africa that 90% of South Africas franchise opportunities are based on locally developed concepts which is in contrast to most countries outside the USA where foreign brands trend to dominate the market (Handsenn, 40). This is also true to the restaurant and fast food market where the business Starbucks can be compared. Most food brands (restaurant type) are franchised out in other countries. Recommendations On Advertising Problem Area Starbucks can save their millions by forgetting about putting up television advertisements and commercials. The company is so established that making a commercial now would not have that much impact. Moreover, the company should enjoy its business success by being contented with posters on their stores, occasional promotions and announcements of new products, etc. Business and advertising analysts say that Starbucks can live without such domineering advertisements on television. Actually, they do not need any. On Marketing/Franchising in Africa Problem Area This is also true to the restaurant and fast food market where the business Starbucks can be compared. Most food brands (restaurant type) are franchised out in other countries. Also, the following factors are as important from a prospective franchisees point of view: The advantage of operating under a local brand is that the product has been designed from scratch with the local conditions in mind. Only a professionally managed operation can be relied upon to deliver on the implied promise of franchising. This is considered a threat to Starbucks. With the experience of the local companies developing its market strategies, most likely, Starbucks will have difficulty in guarding its technology. Penetration in the market is also a challenge. Also, the company had encountered problems in its image, paying low price for coffee beans from another African country. Having a local partner may help to quell the threat and open a huge market. Perhaps it would be wise to brainstorm on these possibilities. If the company wants to grow more and succeed more, then they should review their policies on franchising. Recommendations on Competition Problem Area It is a fact that all people eat in order to survive. However, not all people can afford the same food and luxuries that these businesses offer. While Starbucks is known to cater to class A and B market because of the prices of their products, Caribou Coffee grabs the C and D with a lot lower prices of the almost the same products. McDonalds, being the leader of fast foods and affordable prices, remains to top the market monopoly. People around the world are reported to patronize their products, thanks to the non-stop advertising and maintaining the quality of their food. Dunkin Donuts has a limited list of food, mostly sweet pastries and yes, doughnuts. The taste and type of food offered by this establishment continue to serve as a come on to many customers and a specified market. Starbucks should take seriously the growing number of rivals in the food industry, especially in the same products they are selling. Pricing is a very important aspect to take into consideration. With these hard times, people become practical. If they can have the same taste and quality coffee from another store, why go to Starbucks? Although the company wants to maintain its unique quality brand, it should consider their consumers satisfaction when it comes to expenditures.
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